Page 8 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 8


                       Dead Sea

                        A therapeutic wonder in nature

           The lowest point on earth known to man is the   The Dead Sea waters, rich in a wide variety   1960s this particular source was diverted,
           Dead Sea—a natural wonder full of surprises   of minerals, are famous for their therapeutic   and thus created a situation whereby the sea
           such as a unique ecosystem, stunning views,   qualities, and the wetlands surrounding the   lost volume due to man’s interference and
           and minerals that enhance the health of us   Sea are blessed with unique flora and fauna.   nature’s climate changes. No new source was
           all. This surprising body of water is bordered   Nevertheless, the Dead Sea is drying up at an   created to replenish the lake.
           by Israel and Jordan and whilst renowned   alarming rate.
           as  a  sea,  it  is  a  lake—the  world’s  deepest                     The Dead Sea works mineral extraction
           hypersaline lake to be precise. The extremely   There are numerous reasons for this anomaly,   industry is another reason for the water
           high salinity makes it impossible to dive and   although primarily, the Dead Sea needs water   receding  levels.  The  therapeutic  benefits
           frolic,  but  the  sensation  of  relaxation  whilst   from other natural sources in the surrounding   of these minerals have proven themselves
           floating is second to none.        area, such as the Jordan River. But in the   throughout history and today they are bottled,

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