Page 13 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 13

Young ostriches in the reserve

only to become an extremely common species            Ostriches also live in the Hai-Bar reserve. The     90, and the entrance to the reserve is marked
in the Judah desert and mountains of Eilat.           ostriches of the Mediterranean are smaller          with a clear sign. The tour through the reserve
                                                      than those of Africa and are entirely extinct.      is conducted in a private car from which there
The story of the wild donkey who lived in the         The ostriches of Hai-Bar, imported from             is a view of the landscape and the animals.
Negev is unique. We know of at least two              Africa, is the biggest bird in the world, and       Exiting the vehicle is prohibited, because the
species that lived in the Mediterranean – the         ostriches from the Hai-Bar captive breeding         animals in the reserve behave similarly to their
African wild donkey and the Asian wild donkey.        programme were released into Israel’s wild,         wild counterparts.
The distribution of the Asian wild donkey             but sadly did not survive.
stretches from Mongolia to Israel. Humans                                                                 At the entrance to the reserve there is a
have never managed to domesticate the                 Of the animals that do not exist in Israel, Hai-    film screening about its establishment and
animal. Herds of wild animals from Hai-Bar            Bar breeds the Sahara Oryx and Addax.               operation, where visitors will also receive a CD
have been set free and have managed to                Although an animal referred to as Addax             and a briefing in several languages, including
adapt well to life in the Negev. The African wild     may have been mentioned in the bible, it is         Russian and English. Groups can reserve a
donkey is the ancestor of household donkeys           doubtful that the Addax of today is the same        guide in advance.
- an animal grey in colour with black stripes         as the biblical one. The Addax of Hai-Bar can
on its legs. The African Wild Donkey is among         be recognised on account of its impressive          Campsite
the 100 rarest species in the world and is very       horns, which are 30 inches long and have
difficult to populate in captivity.                   branched antlers.                                   Those who love sleeping under the stars can
                                                                                                          pitch a tent in the organised overnight park
The Arabian Oryx is another special animal that       The Yotvata Hai Bar Nature Reserve is located       and enjoy amenities such as restrooms, warm
can be found at the reserve. It is easily identified  35 kilometers (21 miles) north of Eilat near route  showers, picnic tables, fire pits, barbeque
by its long, straight horns, which reach 30                                                               stands and phone charging compartments.
inches in length. From the side, it looks as          Taking a trip to Eilat?                   	         The park is equipped with a field kitchen and
if it has a single horn and that it may be the        Visit the Coral Beach Nature                        industrial fridge. Lodging is by reservation only
source for legends of mysterious unicorns. The        Reserve                                             via the number: +972 (0)8-6373057 or through
Arabian Oryx can go months without drinking.                                                              the website for the Israel Nature and Parks
                                                                                                          Authority. You can also email: haibar-yotvata@
                                                      Colourful underwater gardens in a         
                                                      marine nature reserve, one of the most
                                                      beautiful in the world.                                                                     A flock of white rams

                                                      The reserve, located at the top of the
                                                      Eilat Gulf, offers a peek at a wonderful
                                                      and multicoloured world.

                                                      Bridges built over the reef allow for a             D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 13
                                                      view of the coral reef, colourful fish, a
                                                      large variety of animals, which inhabit
                                                      the reef, and its surrounding areas. They
                                                      also provide a safe access point for
                                                      divers and snorkelers to reach the East
                                                      side of the reef, facing the sea.

                                                      Visitors have at their disposal beach
                                                      services such as: a service shop,
                                                      equipment rentals, showers, bathrooms,
                                                      shaded areas, beach chairs and beach

                                                      Tel: +972 (0)8 6326422
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