Page 6 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 6

Two cities, double the fun – check out some great spots!

In Tel Aviv                                    and the Second Aliyah Pier, it offers a            the folklore of each of the unique Jewish
                                               dazzling view of the Tel Aviv shoreline, the       Diaspora communities.
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History       promenade and hotels located along the
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History       beach, and the pier, where you can join            The Israel Museum – A Visit You Won’t
recently opened its doors to the public,       fishermen until late at night.                     Forget
displaying an incredible range of items from                                                      The Israel Museum – housing some of the
Tel Aviv University’s rare collections. The    Tel Aviv Museum of Art                             most important historical objects in the
innovative museum, housed in a building        The Tel Aviv Museum of Art is Israel’s             world alongside a rich and fascinating art
designed like Noah’s Ark, documents the        leading museum of modern and                       collection – is a must for every tourist. From
biodiversity in Israel and the Middle East     contemporary art, and home to the world’s          the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls, through
over the millennia. It also showcases the      largest collection of Israeli art.                 the model of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus,
development and history of the human race.                                                        remnants of cultures that are no more. The
Visitors will be able enjoy special exhibits,  In Jerusalem                                       cultural voyage continues through Israeli
dioramas (3D models), multimedia displays,                                                        art from its very beginnings, an impressive
films, video clips and more. Natural history   Mahane Yehuda Market - By Day and Night            collection of modern art, and a beautiful and
has never been as fascinating!                 Jerusalem’s iconic marketplace, lined with         varied display of Jewish art and life.
                                               over 250 vendors, was established towards
Sarona Market Tasting Tour                     the end of the 19th century. Embark on a           Hatachana Compound (the old station)
A tasting tour of Israel’s largest indoor      walking tour to explore the rich history and       This culture, entertainment and leisure
market. Discover more than 80 food stands      tastes of the market, or visit at night fall when  complex is located where the first train
and stores, featuring almost any cuisine you   stalls shutter to make way for restaurants,        station in Jerusalem once stood. In recent
can imagine. Get to know the most promising    packed bars and Nargila (Hookah) hangouts.         years, it has become a hugely popular
chefs of Tel Aviv – one of the world’s most    Mahane Yehuda Market’s nightlife scene is          entertainment spot that truly offers something
dynamic culinary destinations. The visit       truly an experience like no other.                 for everyone: good food, bars, concerts,
includes a brief tour of Sarona’s historic                                                        parties, cultural events, and even activities
Templar Colony. A must-see attraction for      The Night Spectacular                              for children and a special ceremony
any foodie!                                    A sound and light show at the Tower of             welcoming the Sabbath. Hatachana is also an
                                               David. The Night Spectacular tells the story       excellent starting point for tours throughout
Fashion Discoveries & More                     of Jerusalem. It is a celebration of sound,        the city, and even operates a free shuttle
Tel Aviv is a fashion lover’s dream – a city   music and breathtaking images that envelop         service into the Old City, getting you right to
of effortless style and plenty of shopping     the viewer into a multisensory experience.         where the action is with minimal effort.
opportunities. From bargain buys at the        Cultures, religions, rulers and legends are
markets, to high-end designer stores,          projected on the ancient walls and magically       Segway Tours – Exhilarating Beyond
boutique fashion stores and a selection of     appear among the archaeological remains of         Compare!
upmarket malls, Tel Aviv has it all. During    Jerusalem’s citadel.                               Want to experience the city and get your
your stay, explore the city to discover                                                           heart racing? Take this state-of-the-art
handcrafted jewellery, Israeli souvenirs and   Hebrew Music Museum                                vehicle and join one of the many tours offered
one of a kind fashion designs.                 In Nahalat Shiva, in the heart of Jerusalem,       to feel the magic of Jerusalem. Segway tours
                                               you will find a hidden gem - the only museum       offer guests a special experience in the heart
Jaffa Slope Park                               of its kind in the world dedicated to Hebrew       of a sprawling city. Enjoy the breathtaking
Spending a relaxed sunny morning in the        music. The tablet you pick up at the entrance      views of Armon Hanatziv Promenade, where
park by the sea or silently watching the       transforms the museum into a captivating           you’ll get a beautiful view of the Old City,
sunset are both great ways to escape the       interactive experience. Come listen to the         the Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus, or
concrete jungle. Old Jaffa’s Slope Park was    sounds of rare musical instruments from            maybe get a picturesque visit to Mishkenot
recently renovated and is a real delight.      around the world, which are you more than          Sha’ananim, the first Jewish neighbourhood
Located between the Shlomo Bay Promenade       welcome to play yourself, as well watch            outside the Old City walls. Let's get rolling!
                                               visual arts and ethnic costumes representing

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