Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 46
150 years of settlement and progress can In Jerusalem, a visit to the Church of the Yoni Shapira over Adam’s grave became one of the best-
truly enhance your Holy Land experience. Holy Sepulchre with Twain gets an added loved passages in the book.
dimension. In chapter 53, Twain gives us
In his Letter to Alta California #50 written an iconic moment while visiting “the Tomb “The tomb of Adam! How touching it was,
from Jerusalem: “Of all the lands on earth of Adam.” Twain’s lament as he eulogizes here in a land of strangers, far away from
for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must home, and friends, ... to discover the grave
be the prince. The hills are barren, they Below, the flagstone-paved courtyard of the of a blood relation. True, a distant one, but
are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in Mediterranean Hotel as it looked in the 1870s. still a relation. ...I gave way to tumultuous
shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts The photograph was taken by Sgt. H. Phillips, emotion. I leaned upon a pillar and burst
fringed with a feeble vegetation that has the photographer of the Warren archaeological into tears. I deem it no shame to have wept
an expression about it of being ashamed expedition who lived in the hotel for 15 months. over the grave of my poor dead relative.”
of itself. The Dead Sea and the Sea of Above, the courtyard as it looks today, with
Galilee – mere lakes they are – sleep in the the entrance to an apartment owned by former Upon visiting the Church, American tourists
midst of a vast stretch of hill and plain Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The flagstone in particular seem to like visit this spot as
wherein the eye rests upon no pleasant paving was the clue that led to the recent President Grant did, because it was the
tint, no striking object, no soft picture rediscovery of the location of the hotel by place where Mark Twain wept.
dreaming in a purple haze or mottled with writer Yoni Shapira. (To read more, go to
the shadow of the clouds. Every outline is While in the Church, do not forget to look
harsh, every feature is distinct, there is no 1001678.html) for one of the relics he writes about in
perspective – distance works no chapter 53: “…the relic that touched us
enchantment here. It is the most hopeless, most was the plain old sword of that stout
dreary, heartbroken piece of territory out Crusader, Godfrey of Bulloigne – King
of Arizona. I think the sun would skip it if Godfrey of Jerusalem.” He was the first
he could make schedule time by going Christian to conquer the city, on July 19,
around. What Palestine wants is paint. It 1099. Try knocking on the door of the
will never be a beautiful country until it is office of the Franciscan order and asking
painted… for permission to peek at the sword that
played such a crucial role in the battle for
“The children of Israel wandered about the Jerusalem. Reflecting his doubt and disbelief
desert beyond Jordan where we camped, in relics, miracles and the magic of the
and marched into Canaan with songs of sword, Twain took his cynical humor to
rapture and rejoicing; and it is a wonder to new heights when describing the sword’s
me that they didn't pack up and march out powers by using it on a local: “I can never
of it again,” Twain noted acerbically. forget old Godfrey's sword, now. I tried it
...and clove him in twain like a doughnut.
Traveling today from the Galilee to ... I wiped the blood off the old sword and
Jerusalem through the beautiful Jezreel handed it back to the priest.
Valley and the Sharon plain bears witness
to the miracles performed here since the “A Christian could not be so disguised that
children of Israel returned to the land. it would not know him and refuse to hurt
him – nor a Moslem so disguised that it
P.E.F Photo Archives P707 would not leap from its scabbard and take
his life. These statements are all well
authenticated in many legends that are
among the most trustworthy legends the
good old Catholic monks preserve.”
On his last day in Jerusalem – Sunday,
September 29, 1897 – Twain and his
entourage “fell into procession and marched
out at the stately Damascus gate, and the
walls of Jerusalem shut us out forever.”
Jerusalem’s walls may have shut out
Clemens, but their secrets and mysteries
continue to be uncovered. As you explore,
take along The Innocents Abroad, which
is widely available in paperback; it’s one of
the travel companions you’ll be happiest
to have with you during your tour.