Page 56 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 56

1                                              text, from the periods estimated to be           The only evidence in the world of
                                                 those in which the scriptures were written.      crucifixion by the Romans
the House of David. In this way the tablet       Deciphering the text and opening up the
becomes the only archaeological testimony        plates that had been rolled up were delayed      Archaeological finds bearing directly on
in the world to the dynasty of King David.       for several years while seeking a technology     known historical characters are particularly
Much is recounted in the Bible about             that would do this without harming the rare      rare. Therefore the uncovering of two
King David and his magnificent dynasty.          find. After more than a decade, a team of        items directly related to people who were
According to the New Testament, Jesus            scientists succeeded to decipher other parts     connected with the arrest, trial and
himself was a scion of this splendid dynasty.    of the inscription, using highly advanced        crucifixion of Jesus are an unparalleled and
Yet this inscription is the only archaeological  techniques. This text which had already been     surprising discovery. The first of the two is
remnant of the dynasty outside of the Bible      used by Jews for more than two thousand          Joseph the son of Caiaphas, the High Priest
itself. A few months ago, the President of the   years has also been used by Catholics since      in the years 18-36 AD. His principal claim
State of Israel, Mr. Reuven Rivlin, met Pope     the first centuries of the present era.          to fame is his involvement in the arrest of
Francis at the Vatican and presented him                                                          Jesus, as described in the books of the New
with an exact reproduction of this inscription,  The tour allows visitors to take a look at       Testament: "And the people who captured
specially prepared in the laboratories of the    life in the Temple using original artifacts      Jesus took him before Caiaphas the High
Israel Museum.                                   from the area which Jesus himself visited.       Priest, where the scribes and elders had
                                                 The courtyards of the Temple thronged            assembled" (Matthew 26: 57). The burial
Immediately after this, the tour continues       with people at the times of the pilgrimage       cave of the Caiaphas family was discovered
to one of the most exciting exhibits in the      festivals: around the Temple, animals and        in south-east Jerusalem. Twelve caskets
museum's galleries. Metal plates from the        grains were sold for sacrifices, and monies      have been found there, with the one in the
First Temple period on which the Priestly        were redeemed for tithes. Bronze coins           gallery being the most magnificent of all. The
Blessing appears. The plates were found          were exchanged at money changers for             full name of the person buried was "Joseph
in burial caves in Jerusalem, one round the      a silver half-shekel coin, the contribution      son of Caiaphas," which appears twice.
neck of a woman's skeleton, the other in a       every Jew who came on pilgrimage had to          The name and the magnificence of the
grave. They are dated around 600 BC. This        offer to the Temple, though not before the       decorations support the argument that this
is in fact the oldest discovery of a biblical    money changers in the Temple forecourts          was indeed that of Caiaphas, the High Priest
                                                 had charged a fat commission. This enraged       mentioned in the New Testament. Christian
                                                 Jesus, who overturned their tables in the        tourists very frequently come to the Museum
                                                 Temple. This famous coin is on display to        just to see this discovery.
                                                 visitors, alongside additional evidence from
                                                 the Temple such as a fragment of a stone         The second discovery concerns Pontius
                                                 tablet with part of an inscription of a warning  Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea. The
                                                 in Greek, whose full wording was: “No            ancient sources describe him as a cruel,
                                                 foreigner may enter within the balustrade        unpopular ruler, who displayed insensitivity
                                                 around the sanctuary and the enclosure.          to the religious feelings of the Jews.
                                                 Whoever is caught, on himself shall he put       According to the New Testament, it was he
                                                 blame for the death which will ensue.” This
                                                 was one of many tablets set up on the barrier      3
                                                 that surrounded the Temple and separated
                                                 between the area permitted for entry of
                                                 gentiles and the area of the Temple itself,
                                                 entry to which was permitted only to Jews,
                                                 as Josephus described: "And on this barrier
                                                 at equal distances apart stand columns
                                                 informing of the laws of purity, some in Greek
                                                 script and some in Latin, stating that is
                                                 forbidden for a gentile to enter the Temple..."

1. No foreigner may enter -       2                                                               4
inscription in Greek forbidding
the entrance into Temple
2. The ossuary of Yehohanan ben
Hagkol (Jonathan son of Hagakol)
3. To the Trumpeting Place -
Hebrew inscription in stone from
the Temple Mount
4. Ornate ossuary of Yehosef
bar Qayafa (Joseph, son of
Caiaphas), who is mentioned in
the New Testament

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