Page 6 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 6
Station Six of the Via Dolorosa. Photo: Inset above: A nun in their icon shop Middle: Pilgrims carrying a cross
at the 6th station. Below: The chapel that marks the home of St. Veronica. Photos: Hana Bendcowsky
Jerusalem. This is one of the Eastern Catholic Not until one of the prominent leaders of the America to Africa. In 1856, a vicar of the
communities which oicially united with Armenian Orthodox Church, Abraham-Pierre Patriarch was sent to Jerusalem. He found a
vacant place near the two columns that mark
Rome in 1742 under the supremacy of Pope I Ardzivian, Patriarch of Sis, converted to
Benedict XIV. There were earlier attempts by Catholicism, did the union became oicial. the Third Station. The only building nearby
was a Turkish bath which he bought, and built
the Armenian Orthodox to unite with Rome The Armenian Catholic Church is sui iuris,
the irst chapel there. Thirty years later, the
in the Middle Ages, when the Kingdom of meaning that it has a certain degree of
Cilicia (today’s Southeastern Turkey) was patriarchal vicar at the time, Father Joachim
autonomy in the Catholic Church, preserving
established by refugees who had escaped its Armenian identity through the Armenian Toumaian, discovered a mosaic pavement
the Seljuk occupation of Armenia in the 11th rite, language and calendar, under the
with a pair of sandals depicted in the center,
century. The inhabitants of Cilicia had a strong leadership of the Armenian Catholic Patriarch suggesting it represents the spot where Mary
relationship with the Catholic Crusaders who who resides in Bzoummar, Lebanon. There stood, when she met with her son. Today
the pilgrims can visit the church that was built
were moving towards Jerusalem, but it only are approximately 400,000 Armenian
over the mosaic, dedicated to Our Lady of the
resulted in short-term theological uniication. Catholics around the world, from North
at the 6th station. Below: The chapel that marks the home of St. Veronica. Photos: Hana Bendcowsky
Jerusalem. This is one of the Eastern Catholic Not until one of the prominent leaders of the America to Africa. In 1856, a vicar of the
communities which oicially united with Armenian Orthodox Church, Abraham-Pierre Patriarch was sent to Jerusalem. He found a
vacant place near the two columns that mark
Rome in 1742 under the supremacy of Pope I Ardzivian, Patriarch of Sis, converted to
Benedict XIV. There were earlier attempts by Catholicism, did the union became oicial. the Third Station. The only building nearby
was a Turkish bath which he bought, and built
the Armenian Orthodox to unite with Rome The Armenian Catholic Church is sui iuris,
the irst chapel there. Thirty years later, the
in the Middle Ages, when the Kingdom of meaning that it has a certain degree of
Cilicia (today’s Southeastern Turkey) was patriarchal vicar at the time, Father Joachim
autonomy in the Catholic Church, preserving
established by refugees who had escaped its Armenian identity through the Armenian Toumaian, discovered a mosaic pavement
the Seljuk occupation of Armenia in the 11th rite, language and calendar, under the
with a pair of sandals depicted in the center,
century. The inhabitants of Cilicia had a strong leadership of the Armenian Catholic Patriarch suggesting it represents the spot where Mary
relationship with the Catholic Crusaders who who resides in Bzoummar, Lebanon. There stood, when she met with her son. Today
the pilgrims can visit the church that was built
were moving towards Jerusalem, but it only are approximately 400,000 Armenian
over the mosaic, dedicated to Our Lady of the
resulted in short-term theological uniication. Catholics around the world, from North