Page 17 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 17
The predominant tree on the landscape is
the acacia, which serves as home and a
source of nutrition to many animals. It also
forms the basis for the food chain. The fauna
King Solomon's Pillars. Photos:Timna Park Archive (primarily ibex and gazelles) spread the tree
by carrying the seeds in their stomachs and
passing them around the area. In this way,
Mushroom & a half the tree is replanted. Much of the desert
fauna is active at night, and there is only a
small chance you will catch a glimpse of
them during your visit to the park. The two
large animals that are active and visible
during the day are the ibex and gazelle. Here A young girl peeking out a "cave" in the rocks
the ibexes descend from the steep clifs and
Mt. Timna to the wide riverbeds in which the
gazelles travel. With some luck, visitors will Peddle boat on Timna Lake
catch a glimpse of the gazelles bounding of
across the plain. There is a greater chance
of encountering ibex descending from the
clifs to the acacia trees in the riverbeds or
coming to drink water from the artiicial lake
at Timna Oasis.
The geological phenomena are also those
that lead to the appearance of copper in the
various rock layers in Timna. The copper
ores found in the valley attracted man as
far back as the ifth century BCE, that is
to say - six thousand years ago. Over the
generations, man mined the copper ore
from the rock and turned it into metal. The
methods, tools and technologies used in
the production of the copper developed
and advanced over the generations, as
evidenced by the many artifacts unearthed
at various sites in the valley.
Through a long and arduous process, man Just by virtue of its magniicent natural
learned where to ind minerals that contained scenery, Timna Park ofers the same
copper and how to mine them. Man then breathtaking experience as some of the
learned how to reine the copper and create most famous national parks in the world,
tools and other useful items. but its uniqueness is the combination of
historical and geological values. Together,
The most intensive human activity at Timna the arresting landscape and rich history
was about 3,300 – 2,900 years ago - the end provide an unparalleled opportunity to gain
A mushroom-shaped rock formation
of the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of irsthand insights into this fascinating aspect
the Iron Age. A TelAviv University expedition of the development of human civilization.
found evidence of organized copper
extraction as far back as the 10th century Visitors can tour Timna Park by car, travelling
BCE, the time of King Solomon’s reign in from one site to the other, and can enjoy
short hiking trails. There are 10 hiking routes,
Jerusalem. The direct context of Timna
according to the archaeological indings is marked along the trails as well as on the map
Edom. However, when reading the Bible we that is available at the park entrance. Bicycle
can learn that Edom was a protectorate of routes have been paved at Timna, some are
King Solomon. We may, then, assume that suitable for families and nonprofessional
some of the copper extracted at Timna may riders, while others are single track for skilled
have found its way to Jerusalem. trained riders.
The vast number of artifacts and evidence More information about Timna Park and
found in the Timna Valley attest to and many attractions it ofers can be found
document the history shared by man and at You can also call +
copper – trial and error, and success. The 972-8-6316756.
social, economic, cultural and spiritual world
experienced by generations of miners is
Timna Park was jointly developed by Keren
revealed in the remains of ancient dwellings Kayemeth Leisrael, The Eilot Region Economic
and work sites. Here we ind religious and Tourism Development Corporation and
artifacts, carvings and rock drawings, burial the Jewish National Fund – United States and
sites, and other archeological indings. the Chudnow family from Milwaukee, WI, USA.
the acacia, which serves as home and a
source of nutrition to many animals. It also
forms the basis for the food chain. The fauna
King Solomon's Pillars. Photos:Timna Park Archive (primarily ibex and gazelles) spread the tree
by carrying the seeds in their stomachs and
passing them around the area. In this way,
Mushroom & a half the tree is replanted. Much of the desert
fauna is active at night, and there is only a
small chance you will catch a glimpse of
them during your visit to the park. The two
large animals that are active and visible
during the day are the ibex and gazelle. Here A young girl peeking out a "cave" in the rocks
the ibexes descend from the steep clifs and
Mt. Timna to the wide riverbeds in which the
gazelles travel. With some luck, visitors will Peddle boat on Timna Lake
catch a glimpse of the gazelles bounding of
across the plain. There is a greater chance
of encountering ibex descending from the
clifs to the acacia trees in the riverbeds or
coming to drink water from the artiicial lake
at Timna Oasis.
The geological phenomena are also those
that lead to the appearance of copper in the
various rock layers in Timna. The copper
ores found in the valley attracted man as
far back as the ifth century BCE, that is
to say - six thousand years ago. Over the
generations, man mined the copper ore
from the rock and turned it into metal. The
methods, tools and technologies used in
the production of the copper developed
and advanced over the generations, as
evidenced by the many artifacts unearthed
at various sites in the valley.
Through a long and arduous process, man Just by virtue of its magniicent natural
learned where to ind minerals that contained scenery, Timna Park ofers the same
copper and how to mine them. Man then breathtaking experience as some of the
learned how to reine the copper and create most famous national parks in the world,
tools and other useful items. but its uniqueness is the combination of
historical and geological values. Together,
The most intensive human activity at Timna the arresting landscape and rich history
was about 3,300 – 2,900 years ago - the end provide an unparalleled opportunity to gain
A mushroom-shaped rock formation
of the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of irsthand insights into this fascinating aspect
the Iron Age. A TelAviv University expedition of the development of human civilization.
found evidence of organized copper
extraction as far back as the 10th century Visitors can tour Timna Park by car, travelling
BCE, the time of King Solomon’s reign in from one site to the other, and can enjoy
short hiking trails. There are 10 hiking routes,
Jerusalem. The direct context of Timna
according to the archaeological indings is marked along the trails as well as on the map
Edom. However, when reading the Bible we that is available at the park entrance. Bicycle
can learn that Edom was a protectorate of routes have been paved at Timna, some are
King Solomon. We may, then, assume that suitable for families and nonprofessional
some of the copper extracted at Timna may riders, while others are single track for skilled
have found its way to Jerusalem. trained riders.
The vast number of artifacts and evidence More information about Timna Park and
found in the Timna Valley attest to and many attractions it ofers can be found
document the history shared by man and at You can also call +
copper – trial and error, and success. The 972-8-6316756.
social, economic, cultural and spiritual world
experienced by generations of miners is
Timna Park was jointly developed by Keren
revealed in the remains of ancient dwellings Kayemeth Leisrael, The Eilot Region Economic
and work sites. Here we ind religious and Tourism Development Corporation and
artifacts, carvings and rock drawings, burial the Jewish National Fund – United States and
sites, and other archeological indings. the Chudnow family from Milwaukee, WI, USA.