Page 15 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 15
History Meets Luxury

at the Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem

A luxury hotel in Jerusalem with a special history and hallmark façade

Upon its oicial opening on December 21, traditional Jerusalem courtyard setting while
1929, the Palace Hotel was hailed as the in a climate controlled environment, and will
most luxurious hotel in Jerusalem. However, surely be the most talked-about Sukkah in
maintenance costs were very high and in the city.
1935, just six years after opening, the Palace
ceased to function as a hotel. Its rooms were The Waldorf Astoria Clock has served as the
rented out to the Mandate government, iconic visual landmark in the lobby of the
which held oices there until 1948. The world-renowned New York hotel since 1931,
hotel also housed a local radio station, “The when the hotel moved to its current location in
Voice of Jerusalem,” for a couple of years Central Manhattan. In honor of the New York
and served as a small hospital. Following clock, the timepiece concept in replicated in
the establishment of the State of Israel, the all of its international hotels – using distinctive
building was transferred to the Government features connected to the local culture. The
of Israel and housed several oices, Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem clock features four
including the Ministry of Industry and Trade, faces and is adorned with Hebrew, Arabic,
until the year 2000. Roman and European numerals. Designed
by Avraham Aborgil, this unique clock serves
In April of 2008, Hilton Hotels Corporation as a reminder to both staf and guests of
(now Hilton Worldwide) and IPC Jerusalem the respect and devotion to Waldorf Astoria “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”
Ltd. jointly announced the two organizations Hotels & Resorts.
would be entering into a management This epic glass sculpture designed by
agreement to introduce the irst Waldorf Jeremy Langford was inspired by Psalms
Astoria hotel in Israel. 122:6, “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem,”
and symbolizes the prayer and desire for
A six-year process of construction and peace among all three monotheistic faiths
restoration, by Israeli building architect in Jerusalem. The sculpture extends from
Yehuda Feigin and Turkish interior designer the hotel’s ground loor lobby down three
Sinan Kafadar, resulted in a meticulous stories to the ballroom. When seen from
preservation of existing design blended with the lobby, one can look down as if peering
cutting-edge contemporary luxury.
into a deep, mysterious well enveloped in
The atrium lobby fuses the ancient and the the glowing cast glass around it. At the
modern by integrating Jerusalem stone and center is a sculpted glass and metal globe,
stylistic elements which relect the city’s rich creating a visual interaction between
past, while also highlighting a modernist Earth set in the pool of water relecting
approach and state-of-the-art technology. Jerusalem with a spiral of 120 colored
A custom-designed retractable glass ceiling glass doves descending down to the globe
above the atrium allows guests to lounge in a below. The artwork is made of a number of
An intimate niche at the hotel different sections, expressing a complete
The breathtaking open-space atrium of the Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem whole – massive, thick sculpted glass walls
created from deeply carved, kiln ired and
acid etched glass – showing scenes from
Jerusalem in an amalgamation of the
physical Jerusalem and its spiritual ideal.
Part of the work was created in the artist’s
studio in Israel and involved a team using
a multi-disciplinary set of artistic skills
utilizing cast glass, glass carving and
engraving. The other part of the project,
the glass chandelier, was created and
blown in a studio in the Czech Republic.

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