Page 35 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 35
is an extraordinary 15th century copy of
Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, a monumental
Halakhic text from Northern Italy, which
features ine examples of Renaissance
illumination and previously unknown legal
responsa and glosses. Restored by the
museum, it is now showcased for the irst
time alongside other rare treasures such as
the 14th century Nuremberg Mahzor and the
13th century Spanish bible from Soria.
A unique element in the wing is the
new Synagogue Route, containing four
completely restored synagogue interiors
from Europe, Asia, and North/South
America. The linear pathway takes visitors Synagogue interior from Vittorio Veneto, Italy, 1700
on a mesmerizing journey back in time to
experience Jewish ritual traditions from
around the world.
The irst stop is an 18th century Italian Adjacent to the Horb synagogue interior is the ceremonial objects from around the world,
Baroque synagogue from the small town of 16th century Kadavumbagam Synagogue including artifacts originally donated by
Vittorio Veneto in Northern Italy. This richly from Cochin, India, whose carved wooden members of various communities to their
interior includes motifs similar to those found
decorated synagogue with its intricately congregations. The objects are testament of
in surrounding mosques and Hindu temples.
carved wood and gold leaf ark, served a the important relationship of the individual
small local Ashkenazi community for nearly According to various traditions, Jews irst to the synagogue, and belonging to the
two hundred years until it was abandoned in settled in the southwestern region of Kerala Jewish community.
the late 19th century. over 2,000 years ago. The Kadavumbagam
synagogue was active from the mid-16th to "The Israel Museum is the only museum
Next stop on the path is a synagogue from the the mid-20th century, when many members in the world where visitors can see four
market town of Horb in Southern Germany, of the community immigrated to Israel. original synagogues from three continents
built in 1735. The synagogue’s colorful walls together in one venue,” said James S.
and ceiling are covered with quotations from The centerpiece of the Synagogue Route is Snyder, Museum Director. “The renewed
prayers next to animal and loral motifs. the restored 18th century Tzedek-ve-Shalom galleries are a kind of footstep on a
Painted by renowned artist Eliezer Sussman, Synagogue from the once-vibrant Jewish continuous journey through the history of
material culture from the dawn of time to
it is the most complete surviving example of community of Suriname, a former Dutch
a painted wooden German synagogue, and colony in the Caribbean. Suriname’s Jewish the present.”
one of the few to survive the Second World community took root in the mid-17th century,
War. The synagogue originally served a small when Jews of Spanish and Portuguese
rural Jewish community but was abandoned descent that had led to Holland during the
in the 1860s. It was later rediscovered in use Inquisition, immigrated to Suriname with the Connecting to the Collective
as a hayloft, and safely transferred to the country’s earliest European settlers. Founded Memory
Israel Museum in 1970, where it is displayed in 1736 and inspired by the Esnoga – the
as a unique relic of Jewish folk art. great Portuguese synagogue of Amsterdam, The rich fabric of Jewish communal,
Tzedek ve-Shalom ceased to function as a religious, and cultural life in Europe
place of worship in the 1990s. The museum prior to World War II is the starting
then embarked on a decade-long endeavor point of a visit to Yad Vashem's
Detail of synagogue interior from Horb am Main, culminating in the transfer and meticulous Holocaust History Museum.
Germany, 1735 restoration in Israel of the Torah ark, the Upon entering the museum, a unique
bimah, the majestic brass chandeliers,
candelabra, and silver ceremonial objects, video art installation depicts the rich
representing 400 years of Jewish practice. tapestry of that life, drawing each
viewer into a world that no longer
The rare and striking Caribbean synagogue exists. Throughout, the museum
is now on public display for the irst time powerfully engages its visitors in the
with its original white wooden furniture and unfolding historical narrative, utilizing
decorations. Large windows symbolize the authentic artifacts – photographs,
newfound freedom of the Jews who could artwork, personal items, and video
come out of hiding. The loor is covered testimonies – to bring a moving
with white sand, characteristic of Caribbean individual dimension to the cataclysmic
synagogues, which traditionally symbolizes events of the period.
the Children of Israel wandering in the
Yad Vashem’s 45-acre campus in
desert. Another explanation is connected to
the Portuguese Conversos who settled in the Jerusalem comprises museums,
area. Accustomed to praying in secret, they research and educational centers,
may have retained the tradition of coating memorial gardens and monuments -
the loor with sand to mule their footsteps. creating a meaningful and dynamic
commemoration of the Holocaust and
Along the Synagogue Route are beautiful its victims.
displays of religious ornaments and
Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, a monumental
Halakhic text from Northern Italy, which
features ine examples of Renaissance
illumination and previously unknown legal
responsa and glosses. Restored by the
museum, it is now showcased for the irst
time alongside other rare treasures such as
the 14th century Nuremberg Mahzor and the
13th century Spanish bible from Soria.
A unique element in the wing is the
new Synagogue Route, containing four
completely restored synagogue interiors
from Europe, Asia, and North/South
America. The linear pathway takes visitors Synagogue interior from Vittorio Veneto, Italy, 1700
on a mesmerizing journey back in time to
experience Jewish ritual traditions from
around the world.
The irst stop is an 18th century Italian Adjacent to the Horb synagogue interior is the ceremonial objects from around the world,
Baroque synagogue from the small town of 16th century Kadavumbagam Synagogue including artifacts originally donated by
Vittorio Veneto in Northern Italy. This richly from Cochin, India, whose carved wooden members of various communities to their
interior includes motifs similar to those found
decorated synagogue with its intricately congregations. The objects are testament of
in surrounding mosques and Hindu temples.
carved wood and gold leaf ark, served a the important relationship of the individual
small local Ashkenazi community for nearly According to various traditions, Jews irst to the synagogue, and belonging to the
two hundred years until it was abandoned in settled in the southwestern region of Kerala Jewish community.
the late 19th century. over 2,000 years ago. The Kadavumbagam
synagogue was active from the mid-16th to "The Israel Museum is the only museum
Next stop on the path is a synagogue from the the mid-20th century, when many members in the world where visitors can see four
market town of Horb in Southern Germany, of the community immigrated to Israel. original synagogues from three continents
built in 1735. The synagogue’s colorful walls together in one venue,” said James S.
and ceiling are covered with quotations from The centerpiece of the Synagogue Route is Snyder, Museum Director. “The renewed
prayers next to animal and loral motifs. the restored 18th century Tzedek-ve-Shalom galleries are a kind of footstep on a
Painted by renowned artist Eliezer Sussman, Synagogue from the once-vibrant Jewish continuous journey through the history of
material culture from the dawn of time to
it is the most complete surviving example of community of Suriname, a former Dutch
a painted wooden German synagogue, and colony in the Caribbean. Suriname’s Jewish the present.”
one of the few to survive the Second World community took root in the mid-17th century,
War. The synagogue originally served a small when Jews of Spanish and Portuguese
rural Jewish community but was abandoned descent that had led to Holland during the
in the 1860s. It was later rediscovered in use Inquisition, immigrated to Suriname with the Connecting to the Collective
as a hayloft, and safely transferred to the country’s earliest European settlers. Founded Memory
Israel Museum in 1970, where it is displayed in 1736 and inspired by the Esnoga – the
as a unique relic of Jewish folk art. great Portuguese synagogue of Amsterdam, The rich fabric of Jewish communal,
Tzedek ve-Shalom ceased to function as a religious, and cultural life in Europe
place of worship in the 1990s. The museum prior to World War II is the starting
then embarked on a decade-long endeavor point of a visit to Yad Vashem's
Detail of synagogue interior from Horb am Main, culminating in the transfer and meticulous Holocaust History Museum.
Germany, 1735 restoration in Israel of the Torah ark, the Upon entering the museum, a unique
bimah, the majestic brass chandeliers,
candelabra, and silver ceremonial objects, video art installation depicts the rich
representing 400 years of Jewish practice. tapestry of that life, drawing each
viewer into a world that no longer
The rare and striking Caribbean synagogue exists. Throughout, the museum
is now on public display for the irst time powerfully engages its visitors in the
with its original white wooden furniture and unfolding historical narrative, utilizing
decorations. Large windows symbolize the authentic artifacts – photographs,
newfound freedom of the Jews who could artwork, personal items, and video
come out of hiding. The loor is covered testimonies – to bring a moving
with white sand, characteristic of Caribbean individual dimension to the cataclysmic
synagogues, which traditionally symbolizes events of the period.
the Children of Israel wandering in the
Yad Vashem’s 45-acre campus in
desert. Another explanation is connected to
the Portuguese Conversos who settled in the Jerusalem comprises museums,
area. Accustomed to praying in secret, they research and educational centers,
may have retained the tradition of coating memorial gardens and monuments -
the loor with sand to mule their footsteps. creating a meaningful and dynamic
commemoration of the Holocaust and
Along the Synagogue Route are beautiful its victims.
displays of religious ornaments and