Page 39 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 39
May 2002, it was decided to renew them, and although they do not know it,” says the century ishermen, which also makes it an
attraction for non-Jewish visitors.
to build the new festival around Allon’s belief museum’s art curator, Nava Shoshani.
in forging a common future. Each year the “They are solo exhibits, but when shown
Gathering, which has become a week-long simultaneously they create a kind of dialogue “We were just at that time working on the
festival of creativity and discourse, leaves among them,” she adds. Shoshani recently design of the room in the museum that
would express the integral bond between
behind an artistic creation. The irst year drew on this wellspring of local talent to
produced a totem pole containing symbols create a moving exhibit about the personal the Mishnah and the Talmud, between
of coexistence, carved by Yuvi Lufan (also and national experience of Israel entitled "A the Galilee of then and now,” says Nitza
the kibbutz gardener), who together with his Place that Hurts," which included works in Kaplan, former curator of the museum and
brother, Moshe, sons of Ginossar founders, metal and stone by Yigal Meron of Kibbutz among its founders, seemingly still amazed
Ayelet Hashachar and by the Maronite
discovered the ancient boat that is the at the coincidence, “and all of a sudden, the
Galilee boat was discovered.”
centerpiece of the Yigal Allon Museum. Christian sculptress Mervat Essa, and a
video installation and other works by Salo
In 2005, 21 Jewish and Arab artists came Shaul from Kibbutz Ein Gev. Sculptor and kibbutz gardener Yuvi Lufan
together to build a “gateway” from 21 blocks The centerpiece of the Yigal Allon Center is part of the living history of Ginossar.
of white limestone. When they inished, their is the wooden boat that the Lufan brothers His block of sculpture, on the lower right-
works were put together to form a gleaming discovered mired in the mud on the shore hand side of the gateway, depicts him and
his brother pulling the ancient boat out of
24-foot arched gate that now stands at the of the Sea of Galilee in 1986. After a
entrance to the museum and symbolizes the mud. On the other side he shows their
complex conservation process that took
their creative interaction. years, it was unveiled in 2000, at the heart parents, among the irst couples to be
of a superb display, rising above a “sea” of married at Ginossar, as a pair of white doves.
blue-green glass. The vessel, experts say, “Our parents taught us to love the Kinneret,”
The artwork at the museum is one of its
Lufan says, “and I always knew it would give
great attractions. “I go around the Galilee, could have been used by Jewish rebels
us a gift. And it did – a legacy that brought
and sometimes even further aield to ind in a naval battle between against the
artists who are working on the same subject, Romans in the revolt of 70 CE, or by irst- something special to our whole region.”

Kibbutz Ginosar on the Sea of Galilee. Photo:
Hanan Issachar. Inset: Yigal Allon Center. The
"gateway", one of serval sculptures on Ginossar's

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