Page 15 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 15

Visitors to the Train Station can enjoy a variety
                                                                                                   of musical events, art fairs and temporary
                                                                                                   exhibitions at the on-site gallery. From time
                                                                                                   to time, there are also exclusive fashion
                                                                                                   events, special children’s activities, including
                                                                                                   performances held on Saturdays, sporting
                                                                                                   events, such as the start of the annual Tel
                                                                                                   Aviv Marathon, and open-air sports lessons.

The train car. Above: people relaxing, eating and shopping                                         Walk through history, while
                                                                                                   enjoying the present
The amazing attraction…                            Sunday-Thursday: 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.,
experiential train car                             Friday and holidays: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.,     Alongside the events, you can also find
                                                   Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.                  numerous designer shops - from fashion and
Visitors to Hatachana are invited to enjoy         Adults: NIS 20 Children: NIS 14 ***special      accessories to home decoration - and many
a unique educational and amusing exhibit,          prices for groups.                              fantastic culinary options, including a wine
when they travel through time, going back                                                          bar specializing in Catalan-style tapas, where
over 110 years. The attraction includes a 3D       Endless opportunities to shop                   diners can sit in the shade of the city’s oldest
video, hologram and special effects, lighting      and enjoy                                       ficus tree and enjoy the sounds of Spanish
and sound, and it will entertain the entire                                                        music, while sipping on sangria. The station
family – children and children at heart!           Today, the Train Station complex offers a wide  café is located in a historic building that is
In the video, which is filled with humor, watch    range of entertainment, culture and shopping    over a century old, along the platform of the
historical and symbolic figures tell the story of  opportunities, with shops and businesses        original train station.
the first train line in Israel – running between   located on site. It also hosts numerous events  Regina, a kosher restaurant housed in a
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In addition to Hebrew,      and activities. The Train Station is a unique   breathtaking 19th century Mediterranean style
versions of the video are available in English,    blend of history, culture and commerce, a       building, offers cuisine inspired by Jewish
Arabic and French.                                 cultural compass that truly offers something    immigrants from around the world, who came
Opening hours:                                     for everyone.                                   through the station with the flavors of their
                                                                                                   home countries.
                                                                                                   At the station compound there are 650
                                                                                                   parking places for visitors.
                                                                                                   Opening hours: Sunday-Thursday: 10:00
                                                                                                   a.m. - 10:00p.m., Friday: 10:00 a.m.-3:00
                                                                                                   p.m., Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                   Restaurants: until last customer.
                                                                                                   Contact us: Nuki Sigora -,
                                                                                                   Rinat Shitrit - 054-5479422

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