Page 16 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 16
Secrets and Stories
from the Galilee
Mystery, history, culture Where can you find life, fascinating stories and historical ruins,
and natural beauty Christians, Muslims, Jews, which begin with prehistoric man about
intrinsically intertwined Cherkessians, Druze and 40,000 years ago, to the time of the Bible,
Baha'is living together in with the Jews, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans,
By Omri Avidar perfect harmony? Byzantines, Muslims and even the British and
The answer is the Galilee, home to no small Israelis all leaving their marks. However, the
number of famous sites, including Nazareth people living in the Galilee today are by far the
and the Sea of Galilee, which are well known most fascinating component.
to the entire world. Many have also heard of Out of this captivating mosaic, I have selected
Acre, the Crusader city that has twice been three stories and secrets about lesser-known
designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage special, moving and beautiful places in the
Site, or of Safed, where the Kabbalah came Galilee.
into being in the 16th century, and perhaps
even of Rosh Hanikra, the breathtaking home Knights and hidden
of magnificent grottoes that were formed treasures…
where the majesty of mountain and sea meet.
But the Galilee is not just about famous sites. If only the stones could talk... When visiting
The Galilee is so much more... Montfort Castle, towering on a cliff in the
heart of a green forest on the bank of Nahal
The Galilee is a rich intriguing tapestry of Kziv, you can still easily imagine the Crusader
unique geography, abundant plant and animal knights who came from Europe to rescue the
Holy Land, slowly leaving the gigantic castle
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