Page 24 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 24

Courtesy of Hamat Gader                                      For a first century                        The basin had to contain enough water for
                                                                                                        an adult to fully immerse in, a minimum of
                         Modern New Testament                              Jew in the Holy Land,        about 250 gallons. Since rain and runoff
                         scholars debating the                             bathing meant one of two     water were not readily available in some
                         influence of Jewish life                          things: self-immersion in    areas, water from a well or spring could be
                         versus Roman pagan life                           a communal ritual bath –     added to the minimum required amount
                         on Jesus and his disciples                        a kind of baptism practiced  and mixed in.
                         are taking a closer look at                       on a regular basis by adult
                         bathing customs.                                  Jews; or a visit to one of   Ritual immersion was a regularly practiced
                                                                           the Roman bathhouses for     and accepted part of Jewish life. A ritual
                                                                           recreation and healing.      self-immersion is required by Jewish law if
                                                                                                        any questions arise concerning ritual
                                                                           Each type of bath had a      impurity, such as a woman’s monthly period,
                                                      unique architecture and purpose, but it is        giving birth, or touching a corpse.
                                                      still unclear to what extent the Jews living
                                                      in Galilee used the Roman bathhouse on            These impurities barred Jews from
                                                      a regular basis.                                  performing certain rituals or going on
                                                                                                        pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem until
                                                      The ritual bath (or mikveh in Hebrew)             they had immersed themselves in such a
                                                      followed strict Jewish laws of the Second         bath. Archaeological findings of hundreds
                                                      Temple period and was a basin dug into a          of ritual baths in Jerusalem and many other
                                                      rock with a few steps leading to the water,       Jewish communities of the time attest to
                                                      allowing rainwater, spring water or runoff        the mikveh’s importance in their daily life.
                                                      to collect. The basin stored only God-given       It was many decades later that baptism in
                                                      water – that is, water that was not pumped        Christianity became associated exclusively
                                                      or collected from a well.                         with forgiveness of sins or salvation.


                         The Roman baths at Hamat                                                                                                     Itamar Grinberg
                         Gader are among the most
                         impressive in the land.
                         Above: Then as now people
                         enjoy thermo-mineral natural
                         spas for health, recreation and

                         24 “…this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live” (Ezekiel 47:9)
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