Page 26 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 26

Looking at the archaeological evidence in      Back in Nazareth a few miles away, a recent        This is likely to influence a new
                    the geographical area where Jesus grew         finding indicates that Jesus was probably          understanding of Jesus’ early life in the
                    up, it is obvious that he was familiar with    familiar with the Roman baths too. This            Galilee and its effect on his later teachings.
                    such ritual bathing (baptism) long before he   type of bath was the most Roman of all
                    was baptized by John in the Jordan River.      public institutions, a cultural and architectural  The bathhouse also opens up the possibility
                                                                   tradition introduced in every Roman city           of discovering a treasure trove of artifacts
                    Many mikvehs were found in Sepphoris,          or military garrison, for the benefit of           from the time of Jesus in his hometown.
                    the large town near Nazareth where Jesus       Rome’s subjects.
                    probably worked as a carpenter and spent                                                          The Roman bathhouse was used by locals
                    time with his father. Not far away, in the     Since there is no mention of such a bath           much like modern spas are used today.
                    site identified as Kana in the Galilee, known  in the New Testament, it was thought               Friends gathered while enjoying cosmetic
                    from both Jewish and Christian tradition,      unlikely that Jesus had much contact with          treatments, massage, haircuts and beard
                    the mikveh is associated with the story        the Roman pagans as he grew up 2,000               trimming. A major part of the social activity
                    mentioned in John 2:1-11. It tells us of the   years ago in Nazareth, a poor Jewish village       centered around the Frigidarium (cold
                    first miracle performed by Jesus, who turned   on the periphery of the empire.                    room) set up as a pool and the Caldarium
                    water into wine at a Jewish wedding. Going                                                        (hot room) in which hot air would be
                    to the mikveh is a ritual performed by both    However, a large-scale bathhouse found             pumped under the floor and rise in clay
                    the bride and the groom in modern-day          recently in Nazareth right next to the site        pipes along the wall, turning the room
                    Jewish Orthodox communities prior to the       known as Mary’s Well may indicate                  into a steam bath.
                    wedding, as it was done 2,000 years ago.       otherwise. The size of the bath implies that
                    Finding some pieces of large hand-thrown       it could only have been built for a Roman          There is little doubt that while Jesus was
                    or lathe-made chalk or soft limestone jars     city or to service a significant garrison town.    growing up in Nazareth, he was influenced
                    at the site adds to the story’s authenticity   That would mean that Joseph and Mary,              by the rich Jewish culture of nearby
                    since these jars are of the type the Gospel    and their son Jesus, would have been living        Sepphoris as well as by the pagan Roman
                    says Jesus used when he turned the water       in the very heart of the occupying power.          bathhouse life in his backyard.
                    into wine. Stone vessels, unlike clay ones,
                    are associated with Jewish ritual purity                                                                                   Deep under Mary's Well in
                    because they are deemed impervious to                                                                                      Nazareth the newly
                    ritual impurity. The first miracle of Jesus                                                                                excavated bathhouse gives
                    came at a crucial time in the early days of                                                                                us a glimpse into the city
                    his public ministry; his reputation was still                                                                              where Jesus grew up.
                    growing and although he had selected his
                    disciples, he was under pressure to
                    demonstrate his divinity.

Emmanuel de Ruyver

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