Page 37 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 37

ATIVEEXPERIENCE                                                       to be the very site of the
                                                                      Transfiguration. Stretching north
                                                                      Hillel Sussmanand south of the church,
                                                                      one can still see the remains
                                                                      of the extensive buildings                             Photos clockwise: Left, the
                                                                      of a Benedictine monastery,                            breathtaking view of the
                                                                      including a chapel and a small                         Jezreel Valley spread out
                                                                      bath house and on the mountain                         below Mt. Tabor. Above:
                                                                      slopes nearby, many caves and                          riding up the serpentine
                                                                      cells were added by hermits who                        road to the top is a grueling
                                                                      lived in them.                                         experience but well worth
                                                                                                                             every minute. In the
                                                                      This ascetic hermit tradition                          background you can see
                                                                      on Mt. Tabor is represented                            the city of Nazareth to the
                                                                      in the Church of St. Melchizedek, located on the       North. Below, architectural
                                                                      northwest side of the upper plateau. The name derives  details of the Church of the
                                                                      from a 4th-century tradition in which Melchizedek      Transfiguration.
                                                                      spent seven years as a hermit on Mt. Tabor before
                                                                      meeting and blessing Abraham.

                                                                      Walking the circular path at the top of Mt. Tabor
                                                                      offers a panoramic view of the area, with Nazareth
                                                                      nearby to the northwest, Mt. Carmel to the west, the
                                                                      Hill of Moreh and Mt. Gilboa to the south. Below to
                                                                      the southwest, you can see the fertile land that once
                                                                      was submerged under the swamps of the Kishon
                                                                      River headwaters.

        The Transfiguration of Jesus took place        Hanan Isachar                                                         Currently dominating Mt. Tabor’s
        as “the appearance of his face changed,                                                                              summit is the Franciscan Church
        and his clothes became as bright as a flash                                                                          of the Transfiguration, built by
        of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah,                                                                             the famous church architect
        appeared in glorious splendor, talking with                                                                          Antonio Barluzzi in 1924 over
        Jesus. They spoke about his departure,                                                                               the ruins of the Byzantine and
        which he was about to bring to fulfillment                                                                           Crusader churches, whose
        at Jerusalem” (Luke 9:28-36).                                                                                        archaeological remains are visible
                                                                                                                             throughout the site.
        As Matthew describes it, “While he was
        still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped                                                                             The theme of the Transfiguration
        them, and a voice from the cloud said,                                                                               can be seen in the architectural
        ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him                                                                               details of the church façade,
        I am well pleased. Listen to him!’ When                                                                              such as the ribbed pillars that
        the disciples heard this, they fell face down                                                                        metamorphose from vertical ribs
        to the ground, terrified” (Mt 17:1-9).                                                                               into spiral ones midway up the
        By the 6th century, three Byzantine
        chapels dedicated to Christ, Moses and                                                                               Having a Bible in hand and reading
        Elijah were added to the hilltop church.                                                                             the biblical accounts while walking
        However, during the Crusader period                                                                                  the paths is an awesome
        (12th century), the old Byzantine triple                                                                             experience, inspiring the feeling
        church was replaced with a basilica with                                                                             that “Tabor rises up to heaven like
        three aisles, six bays and three apses. It                                                                           an altar that the Creator has built
        enclosed the sacred rock that was believed                                                                           for himself” as 19th century scholar
                                                                                                                             Victor-Honore Guerin once put it.
Carmel by the sea” (Jeremiah 46:18)
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