Page 33 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 33

Moshe Amar

            In Jaffa’s charming Old City, walk down        Above, cormorants basking on Andromeda's Rock, just off the coast near Jaffa. Below, tourists in Jaffa's Old
            the narrow alleyways past picturesque old      City walking across the Wish Bridge, where it is said that if you make a wish while standing in front of your
            houses and galleries until you come to a       astrological sign, it will come true.
            small mosque built in 1730, which is believed
            to occupy the site of Simon the Tanner’s       To learn more about the city’s eventful past,    Today Jaffa is undergoing extensive
            house. This is where Peter had a vision in     visit the small museum just below the central    archaeological excavations as plans move
            which the Lord commanded him to eat            plaza. Beside it is St. Peter’s Church, a gold   ahead to restore some of its many historical
            foods that were “unclean” (unacceptable        and orange building erected in the 17th          sites. A short walk eastward, past the central
            under Jewish dietary laws). As is written in   century and rebuilt in the 19th century above    mosque and an Ottoman bathhouse, brings
            Acts 10: 9-16, Peter went to pray, became      earlier chapels and Crusader ruins.              you to several of these sites.
            very hungry and had a vision of “all kinds
            of four-footed animals of the earth, wild      Designed in the Italian tradition with its red   It is well worth visiting the colorful flea market
            beasts, creeping things, and birds of the      brick facade, the church’s interior has vaulted  and shopping in the Old City’s galleries for
            air… And a voice came to him, Rise, Peter;     ceilings, stained-glass windows and marble-      beautiful keepsakes of your visit to Jaffa. And
            kill and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord!    covered walls. A large painting of Peter's       if you glance down as you walk, maybe you’ll
            For I have never eaten anything common         visitation by an angel hangs over the altar.     even come across an ancient coin, a
            or unclean. And a voice spoke to him again     Napoleon Bonaparte stayed in the church          cannonball from Napoleon’s siege or another
            the second time, What God has cleansed         when he conquered Jaffa in 1799.                 souvenir of the past.
            you must not call common.”


Yael Ilan

believed in the Lord” (Acts 9: 40-42)
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