Page 24 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 24

Israel’s semi-arid wilderness, the                 the “wilderness of Beersheba,” Isaac was          Visitors descend into the Israelite water system at
Negev, is a place of true biblical                 born (Gen. 21:14).                                Tel Be'er Sheva.
beginnings that should be on every
Holy Land itinerary.                               The very name Beersheba – or Be’er Sheva          expertise shows: Olive groves, citrus
                                                   in Hebrew, which means both “well of              orchards and newly planted pine forests
 The Negev, a triangle in the south                seven” and “well of the oath” – is taken          daub the mustard-colored Negev expanses
                                                   from a key incident in Abraham’s life.            with rich green. Israel hopes that, like Isaac,
of Israel that covers about half of the            Following a struggle over water (still a central  its highly trained agronomists will be able
country’s approximately 8,000 square miles,        theme in the region!), Abraham’s adversary,       to reap “one hundredfold” (Gen. 26:12)
is the backdrop for much of early biblical         Abimelech, denied knowledge of                    from this region.
history, especially the stories of Abraham,        wrongdoing. “So Abraham took sheep and
Isaac and Jacob.                                   oxen and gave them to Abimelech, and the          Tel Be’er Sheva, the archaeological mound
Abraham wandered throughout the land               two of them made a covenant. And                  just outside the modern city of Beersheba,
of Canaan, from as far north as Dan down           Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock          is a fascinating Negev destination for
through Jerusalem, Shechem, Sodom and              by themselves.… And he said, ‘You will            Christian travelers. You’ll be able to stand
Gomorrah, and the tents of Mamre – and             take these seven ewe lambs from my hand,          outside the gate of the ancient city, and
later to Hebron, where he purchased a              that they may be my witness that I have           gaze down into the 210-foot well that
family burial plot. But after the destruction      dug this well.’ Therefore he called that place
of Sodom, Abraham seems to have made               Beersheba, because the two of them swore
the Negev his permanent home. Here, in             an oath there” (Gen. 21:27-33).

The holy of holies in the sanctuary at Tel Arad,   Only about 90 minutes of smooth highway
probably destroyed during King Hezekiah's reforms  separate Beersheba from Tel Aviv or
(2 King 18:4, 18:22).                              Jerusalem. But in every other way, it’s a
                                                   world of difference. As you leave behind
                                                   the rocky mountains of Jerusalem or the
                                                   crowded Tel Aviv metropolis and head
                                                   southward, you watch the landscape give
                                                   way to “roomy plains,” as Isaac dubbed
                                                   this area in Genesis 26:22.

                                                   Here, wheat grows in abundance
                                                   throughout the winter, ripening to a golden
                                                   hue in spring. Moreover, Israel is a world
                                                   leader in arid-land agriculture, and its


A view of the wilderness of Zin (Numbers 13:21) is an unforgettable
way to begin your Holy Land journey. Photos: Paul Palatnic

24 “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom” (Isa. 35:1)
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