Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 22

Palm-shaded gateway to Kasr al Yahud
Monastery on the way to the Jordan
River. Photo: Yael Ilan

This vivid description by the famed           But the seasonal situation Twain observed      region’s gems, the monastery of Dir Hijleh
curmudgeonly writer reinforces the            at the end of eight rainless months is now     (possibly from Beit Hoglah [Joshua 18:19],
inescapable impression that little has        the default status of the Jordan, due to       one of the border points of the tribe of
changed here since the 19th century. And      the pumping of water since the 1960s           Judah).
that is its charm. The designers of the       from the Sea of Galilee.
essential tourist amenities here, as well as                                                 In the shady courtyard, you may find
those planned for the future in the area      Connected by the diminishing Jordan to         Christian families from Nazareth picnicking
outside the actual baptismal site, have       the Sea of Galilee, the unique Dead Sea        at one table and a Jewish desert study tour
made good on their pledge to protect the      is drying up too, a matter of great concern    at another. Inside the church, which dates
authenticity of this precious, unspoiled      to those who love this landscape. Israel is    from 1885, the altars are adorned with
place. Indeed, the site, with its wide steps  considering various solutions to the           snapshots of the sick, left there by family
going down to the water and its modest        problem, among them more desalination          members hoping for miracles of healing
visitor center, blends in with the area's     plants on the Mediterranean, so more           associated with the monastery's founder,
natural colors, ensuring that the river and   water could be released into the Jordan.       Gerasimos, a leader of the early movement
its storied banks remain the “star” of this   Israel’s heritage and nature experts know      of Christians to the desert. This massive
unique region.                                full well that the Jordan is an irreplaceable  movement was born of the desire to go
                                              symbol for Bible-loving people around the      back to the simplicity of the first Christians,
Mark Twain had another complaint about        world.                                         a present-day aspiration that is sure to lead
the Jordan: “We knew by our wading                                                           many visitors to this pristine part of the
experience, however, that many streets in     When you return from the Jordan, driving       most famous river in the world.
America are double as wide as the Jordan.”    south along the main road (Highway 90)
                                              to the Dead Sea, don’t miss another of the

Visits to the Jordan River must be pre-arranged. Ask your travel planner to do so by e-mailing the Israel Nature and Parks Authority site director, Sa’ar Kfir, at

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