Page 30 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 30
Inspiration awaits you at the beloved
The pilgrims of old invented a special sites around the Sea of Galilee of John 21. Modern life has hardly touched
the stretch of beach here; visitors can
term for the walk they made from one holy where Jesus preached, taught and imagine Jesus calling out from the very
site to another around the Sea of Galilee. spot where they now stand: “Friends,
They called it “sacred geography.” In a healed some 2,000 years ago. haven't you any fish?” (John 21:5), at which
world where the places we love change all Peter jumps into the water and swims
too quickly, it is wonderful to know that The most famous of these remarkable ashore to reach Jesus.
many of the sites around the lake that mosaics, depicting aquatic flora and fauna
witnessed the ministry of Jesus still impart and dating back some 1,500 years, is the The site is known as Mensa Christi, which
a sense of peace and tranquility, providing one depicting two fish and a basket of means Table of Christ, in honor of the fish
the perfect setting in which to pray and bread. Beneath the altar here is a rock, breakfast the Gospel of John says Jesus
read Scripture. first mentioned in Christian writings in the prepared here. It was on this spot that
fourth century. According to tradition, it is Jesus asked Peter, “Simon son of John,
On the northwest shore of the lake lies here that Jesus recited the blessing over do you love me more than these” (John
Tabgha. Holy Land visitors sometimes have the food, broke the bread and distributed 21:15) – words that take on new meaning
a bit of trouble pronouncing the guttural it to the crowd. as they are pondered in the quietude of
name (a mispronunciation of the Greek this place.
name for the site – Heptapegon, which The intricacies of church history have
means “seven springs”), but they do love brought about multi-denominational A flight of ancient steps cut into the rock
to spend time here – where tradition says administration of these miracle-marked here indicates that this was once an
Jesus multiplied two fishes and five loaves shores. Beyond the fence of the anchorage, perhaps the very place where
and fed a crowd of 5,000 (Mark 6:35-44). Benedictine-run Church of the Multiplication Peter moored his boats, or where James
The Church of the Multiplication of Loaves (and its adjacent guest house), the and John cast their nets into the sea. In
and Fishes now stands at the spot where Franciscans care for the church known as the shallows, people can see pieces of
Jesus fed the 5,000. A quiet courtyard with the Primacy of Peter, which they built in heart-shaped pillars. They must have once
a gently flowing fountain leads into the the area believed to be the site of the events graced the colonnade of a large building
sanctuary of this church, built about 25 in the vicinity, perhaps even a synagogue
years ago. The church is minimally adorned, like the one at Chorazim up the mountain,
which heightens the dramatic effect of the or Capernaum down the road. Many people
ancient mosaics it shelters.
The domes of the Greek
Orthodox church near the
ruins of Capernaum.
Photos: Itamar Grinberg
30 “…land of Zebulon, land of Naphtali, the way to the sea, along the Jordan” (Matt. 4:15)