Page 16 - Holyland Magazine - 2015 edition
P. 16
climax of the story is when Elazar Ben Yair,
leader of the zealots, called for the besieged Frescoes in Herod’s Palace - ancient
art. Photo: Avinoam Michaeli
on the mountain to commit suicide rather than
fall prisoner to the Romans. The book was
written around the time of Masada’s fall, in 73
The story of Masada could have simply faded
away had the Christian Church not copied and
preserved Josephus’ book, out of the belief
that the story of Jerusalem’s destruction and
the failure of the revolt against the Romans
was the realization of Jesus’ prophesy. And
there you have history’s convoluted ways.
the history and the plethora of buildings and placed on the mountain, helping the average
The Jews who survived the destruction of the indings on and around the mountain plateau: tourist understand. Torah scrolls have been
Second Temple, headed by Rabban Yochanan palaces, mosaics and murals, mikvehs (Jewish returned to the guardroom in the ancient
Ben Zakai, apparently wanted to discard the ritual baths), sophisticated water systems, a synagogue on the mountain. Many Bar
story of Masada, which was not compatible synagogue and beit midrash (Jewish house of Mitzvah boys read their Torah portions there.
with their worldview. Masada was not even learning), monks’ caves and a church, baths In its genizah (repository for old religious
mentioned in books such as the Mishna and and a Roman blockade that survived intact items), scroll segments and Chapter 37 of
the Talmud. It appears only once in a letter and is the only one of its type in the world. A the Book of Ezekiel, which is the Dry Bones
from the days of the Bar Kochva revolt. history of two millennia, covered in dust and prophesy were discovered.
The story of the mass suicide at Masada A moving nighttime audiovisual show is
takes a turn in the book Yosifun, written during In recent history however, Masada has been screened in an open theater at the foot of the
the tenth century by a Jew under the alias experiencing a rebirth. Mosaics and frescoes mountain and depicts the story of Masada with
Joseph Ben Gurion, and extracted from the that were preserved are being restored, and lights and sounds at sunset. Visitors arriving
Latin translations of Flavius’ book, adapted to three dimensional models and signs are being from the east (Road 90) can enjoy a gallery and
the worldview of the Jewish sages. While the display of the history of Masada. From here,
physical Masada was forgotten, it lived on in you can ride the cable car to the top.
the annals of history.
AHAVA is the deinitive Dead Sea Minerals
In the nineteenth century, with the birth of expert. Being the leading global innovator Just a few years ago, the Yigael Yadin Masada
research and intense interest in the Holy Land in Dead Sea mineral-based skincare Museum was opened. It houses indings from
and the Dead Sea area, American researcher products, AHAVA knows more than anyone archeological excavations. The visit ofers
Edward Robinson identiied the Masada rock else about the science behind the Dead a unique and innovative type of time travel,
(1838), which until then was called something Sea’s power to revitalize skin. by presenting the archeological indings in
their historical context on a three dimensional
completely diferent by the Bedouins living in As the only beauty company located on theatrical background, which adds depth to
the area. the shores of the Dead Sea, our mission
is to deliver the virtues of the Dead Sea the evidence and an exciting experience for
In the early twentieth century, Masada was by harnessing its most extraordinary the visitor.
restored to consciousness by two literary ingredients and creating innovative
articles: Jacob Naphtali Simchoni’s Hebrew eficacious face and body products for In the middle of 2011, a spacious and modern
translation of Josephus Flavius’ The Wars of customers worldwide. entertainment and shopping complex was
the Jews, and Yitzhak Lamdan’s heroic poem AHAVA scientists routinely seek launched, the largest in the Dead Sea
Masada. The story of Masada evoked in the superior technologies and more effective area. It is designed in an old world style
poem reignites the imagination. The most mechanisms to deliver beautiful skin. and has a huge restaurant that seats more
quoted line from his poem, “Masada shall not AHAVA’s proprietary Osmoter™ is the most than 1,000, a wide variety of food vendors,
fall again!” nearly became an anthem. important mineral technology to come from shops for camping and sports equipment,
AHAVA’s laboratory. This concentrated souvenirs, photography, and a foreign
The corporeal Masada became a coveted Dead Sea water extract contains minerals currency exchange service. The complex also
designation. Journeys to it are complex, for supporting skin functions, in the has a unique concept shop called Masada
perilous and last many days. The low of most perfect proportions. The balanced Memories – entirely devoted to Masada and
people ascending the mountain increases, mineral content of Osmoter™ activates to the experiences that you can take home at
and the myth of Masada continues to entrench a natural cellular process when applied the end of your thrilling visit to the mountain.
itself into people’s hearts. The motto is that of to the skin’s surface and empowers the Because of its universal value, Masada was
a war of freedom, not suicide. epidermis, our outer layer of skin, to gently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in
elevate hydration and nutrition levels 2001. Thousands of visitors from Israel and
Life comes back to the mountain for a moisturized, youthful appearance. worldwide lock to the mountain and despite
A current tour of Masada enables you to touch AHAVA is the sole source of the Osmoter™ the “craze” and the throngs of visitors – the
times of yore. You cannot remain indiferent to technology and it is present in all AHAVA magic still remains.
Discover AHAVA and our full product
portfolio at
leader of the zealots, called for the besieged Frescoes in Herod’s Palace - ancient
art. Photo: Avinoam Michaeli
on the mountain to commit suicide rather than
fall prisoner to the Romans. The book was
written around the time of Masada’s fall, in 73
The story of Masada could have simply faded
away had the Christian Church not copied and
preserved Josephus’ book, out of the belief
that the story of Jerusalem’s destruction and
the failure of the revolt against the Romans
was the realization of Jesus’ prophesy. And
there you have history’s convoluted ways.
the history and the plethora of buildings and placed on the mountain, helping the average
The Jews who survived the destruction of the indings on and around the mountain plateau: tourist understand. Torah scrolls have been
Second Temple, headed by Rabban Yochanan palaces, mosaics and murals, mikvehs (Jewish returned to the guardroom in the ancient
Ben Zakai, apparently wanted to discard the ritual baths), sophisticated water systems, a synagogue on the mountain. Many Bar
story of Masada, which was not compatible synagogue and beit midrash (Jewish house of Mitzvah boys read their Torah portions there.
with their worldview. Masada was not even learning), monks’ caves and a church, baths In its genizah (repository for old religious
mentioned in books such as the Mishna and and a Roman blockade that survived intact items), scroll segments and Chapter 37 of
the Talmud. It appears only once in a letter and is the only one of its type in the world. A the Book of Ezekiel, which is the Dry Bones
from the days of the Bar Kochva revolt. history of two millennia, covered in dust and prophesy were discovered.
The story of the mass suicide at Masada A moving nighttime audiovisual show is
takes a turn in the book Yosifun, written during In recent history however, Masada has been screened in an open theater at the foot of the
the tenth century by a Jew under the alias experiencing a rebirth. Mosaics and frescoes mountain and depicts the story of Masada with
Joseph Ben Gurion, and extracted from the that were preserved are being restored, and lights and sounds at sunset. Visitors arriving
Latin translations of Flavius’ book, adapted to three dimensional models and signs are being from the east (Road 90) can enjoy a gallery and
the worldview of the Jewish sages. While the display of the history of Masada. From here,
physical Masada was forgotten, it lived on in you can ride the cable car to the top.
the annals of history.
AHAVA is the deinitive Dead Sea Minerals
In the nineteenth century, with the birth of expert. Being the leading global innovator Just a few years ago, the Yigael Yadin Masada
research and intense interest in the Holy Land in Dead Sea mineral-based skincare Museum was opened. It houses indings from
and the Dead Sea area, American researcher products, AHAVA knows more than anyone archeological excavations. The visit ofers
Edward Robinson identiied the Masada rock else about the science behind the Dead a unique and innovative type of time travel,
(1838), which until then was called something Sea’s power to revitalize skin. by presenting the archeological indings in
their historical context on a three dimensional
completely diferent by the Bedouins living in As the only beauty company located on theatrical background, which adds depth to
the area. the shores of the Dead Sea, our mission
is to deliver the virtues of the Dead Sea the evidence and an exciting experience for
In the early twentieth century, Masada was by harnessing its most extraordinary the visitor.
restored to consciousness by two literary ingredients and creating innovative
articles: Jacob Naphtali Simchoni’s Hebrew eficacious face and body products for In the middle of 2011, a spacious and modern
translation of Josephus Flavius’ The Wars of customers worldwide. entertainment and shopping complex was
the Jews, and Yitzhak Lamdan’s heroic poem AHAVA scientists routinely seek launched, the largest in the Dead Sea
Masada. The story of Masada evoked in the superior technologies and more effective area. It is designed in an old world style
poem reignites the imagination. The most mechanisms to deliver beautiful skin. and has a huge restaurant that seats more
quoted line from his poem, “Masada shall not AHAVA’s proprietary Osmoter™ is the most than 1,000, a wide variety of food vendors,
fall again!” nearly became an anthem. important mineral technology to come from shops for camping and sports equipment,
AHAVA’s laboratory. This concentrated souvenirs, photography, and a foreign
The corporeal Masada became a coveted Dead Sea water extract contains minerals currency exchange service. The complex also
designation. Journeys to it are complex, for supporting skin functions, in the has a unique concept shop called Masada
perilous and last many days. The low of most perfect proportions. The balanced Memories – entirely devoted to Masada and
people ascending the mountain increases, mineral content of Osmoter™ activates to the experiences that you can take home at
and the myth of Masada continues to entrench a natural cellular process when applied the end of your thrilling visit to the mountain.
itself into people’s hearts. The motto is that of to the skin’s surface and empowers the Because of its universal value, Masada was
a war of freedom, not suicide. epidermis, our outer layer of skin, to gently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in
elevate hydration and nutrition levels 2001. Thousands of visitors from Israel and
Life comes back to the mountain for a moisturized, youthful appearance. worldwide lock to the mountain and despite
A current tour of Masada enables you to touch AHAVA is the sole source of the Osmoter™ the “craze” and the throngs of visitors – the
times of yore. You cannot remain indiferent to technology and it is present in all AHAVA magic still remains.
Discover AHAVA and our full product
portfolio at