Page 20 - Holyland Magazine - 2015 edition
P. 20
Mosaic loor from the Second
Temple period, Herodian Quarter
Museum. Photo: The Company for
the Reconstruction and Development
of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City
of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Archaeological Park & the huge stones of an ancient street, used by the pilgrims locking to Jerusalem, and other
interesting indings from the excavations.
Davidson Center pilgrims to walk up from the Pool of Siloam
Another unique experience awaits to the to the Temple Mount. Under the remains of a The many sites of the Jewish Quarter allow
south and west of the Temple Mount, with yet massive stone arch are the gaping entrances the visitors to walk among the pages of Holy
another slice of Jerusalem’s splendor in the of shops, where moneylenders and sellers Scripture, and get a glimpse of the splendors
days of King Herod. In the heart of an extensive of sacriicial oferings awaited the pilgrims of Jerusalem in the Second Temple period.
archeological park rise the mighty walls of the on their way to the Temple. A huge staircase This is a moving and enlightening experience
Temple Mount, built by King Herod 2,000 was partically uncovered on the eastern you deinitely should not miss.
years ago. At the foot of the Southern and side of the archeological park. These stairs,
Western Wall, archeologists have uncovered built in a unique shape with one stair narrow The writer is a researcher and national tourist guide,
and the next one wide, lead to the ancient expert on ancient Jeursalem www.allaboutjeruslaem.
Huldah Gates, set in the Southern Wall of the
Temple Mount. The many pilgrims coming Vessels found among the ruins of Katros
into Jerusalem could choose between House, also known at the Burnt House.
entering the Mount from the south, through
the double and triple gates, or going up an
immense causeway, supported by a huge
stone arch which also bore a vast stairway.
Whoever chose this route, went up the stairs,
entered the Mount from the west and into the
Royal Stoa (or Royal Basilica), dominating the
southern part of the Temple compound. Aside
Instruments found among the from the remarkable indings displayed in the
ruins of Katros House, also known
at the Burnt House. Photos: The archeological park, you are also welcome to
Company for the Reconstruction and visit the Davidson Center, a state-of-the-art
Development of the Jewish Quarter visitor center, with illuminating exhibitions,
in the Old City of Jerusalem
spectacular presentations telling the story of

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