Page 58 - Holyland Magazine - 2015 edition
P. 58
irst poured out to the human race will be a generations. Throughout the event, general in the region. Volunteers will serve the region
life-changing experience,” said Bühler. sessions and focused tracks will be ofered by cleaning streets and windows, distributing
during the week on a number of topics from groceries and school supplies, hosting
prophecy to media to healing to praise and
Birthed from the Azusa Street Centennial kids’ zones, providing health clinics and
celebration, Empowered21is a network participating in a blood drive.
overseen by a global council of denominational
and global ministry network leaders. In 2010, Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda will be Sunday, May 24, Shavuot on the Jewish
the featured speakers at an outdoor worship
“Empowered21: The Global Congress on calendar, will coincide with Pentecost Sunday
Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century” event, which will be held in Manger Square in on the Christian calendar. We will celebrate
was held on the campus of Oral Roberts this day as a Global Day of Prayer, calling for
Bethlehem on May 22. This will be a time of
University. That congress drew more than praise, prayer and preaching focused on the eight continuous hours of worship, prayer
10,000 people from 95 nations to focus on coming of Jesus in Bethlehem. and sharing of the Word from esteemed
the future of the Spirit-empowered movement denominational and ministry leaders. Prayer
around the world in the coming generations. The next day, the Pentecost Unity Celebration will be held at several points around the city
It was also a launch pad for a global focus will be held at the site of Jordan River, where of Jerusalem including the King of Kings
on the future of Spirit-empowered Christianity. it is believed that John the Baptist baptized Community.
Empowered21 has since become a relational Jesus. This part of the river also narrowly
The Global Congress ends Sunday night
network, connecting Spirit-illed men and divides the nations of Israel and Jordan.
Christians will gather on both the Jordanian
woman in every region of the world. Last with a grand Pentecost celebration at the
summer marked the launch of Empowered21 and Israeli banks of the river to pray and
Jerusalem Arena. This will be a special
India, which is the 13th regional efort. (Learn worship God together in united voices. impartation service for the next generation
more at and everyone seeking the power of the Holy
Also, on this day and other points throughout Spirit to reach the world for Jesus Christ.
Jerusalem 2015 will begin with a grand
the week, Empowered21 and Convoy of Hope,
opening celebration in the new Jerusalem a faith-based, international, humanitarian- Individuals can register for the Global
Pais Arena on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. relief organization, are partnering together
Congress and see a full list of speakers and
Thousands of believers from every corner of for “Hope in the Holy Land.” “Hope in the
worship artists online at www.jerusalem2015.
the globe are expected to come to Jerusalem Holy Land” is an outreach created to show com. Church groups of 25 or more can get
love and appreciation for those who reside
and lift up this generation and future special rates by emailing
Believers gather at Oral Roberts University in
Tulsa, OK for the “Empowered21: The Global
Congress on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the
21st Century” in 2010.
life-changing experience,” said Bühler. sessions and focused tracks will be ofered by cleaning streets and windows, distributing
during the week on a number of topics from groceries and school supplies, hosting
prophecy to media to healing to praise and
Birthed from the Azusa Street Centennial kids’ zones, providing health clinics and
celebration, Empowered21is a network participating in a blood drive.
overseen by a global council of denominational
and global ministry network leaders. In 2010, Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda will be Sunday, May 24, Shavuot on the Jewish
the featured speakers at an outdoor worship
“Empowered21: The Global Congress on calendar, will coincide with Pentecost Sunday
Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century” event, which will be held in Manger Square in on the Christian calendar. We will celebrate
was held on the campus of Oral Roberts this day as a Global Day of Prayer, calling for
Bethlehem on May 22. This will be a time of
University. That congress drew more than praise, prayer and preaching focused on the eight continuous hours of worship, prayer
10,000 people from 95 nations to focus on coming of Jesus in Bethlehem. and sharing of the Word from esteemed
the future of the Spirit-empowered movement denominational and ministry leaders. Prayer
around the world in the coming generations. The next day, the Pentecost Unity Celebration will be held at several points around the city
It was also a launch pad for a global focus will be held at the site of Jordan River, where of Jerusalem including the King of Kings
on the future of Spirit-empowered Christianity. it is believed that John the Baptist baptized Community.
Empowered21 has since become a relational Jesus. This part of the river also narrowly
The Global Congress ends Sunday night
network, connecting Spirit-illed men and divides the nations of Israel and Jordan.
Christians will gather on both the Jordanian
woman in every region of the world. Last with a grand Pentecost celebration at the
summer marked the launch of Empowered21 and Israeli banks of the river to pray and
Jerusalem Arena. This will be a special
India, which is the 13th regional efort. (Learn worship God together in united voices. impartation service for the next generation
more at and everyone seeking the power of the Holy
Also, on this day and other points throughout Spirit to reach the world for Jesus Christ.
Jerusalem 2015 will begin with a grand
the week, Empowered21 and Convoy of Hope,
opening celebration in the new Jerusalem a faith-based, international, humanitarian- Individuals can register for the Global
Pais Arena on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. relief organization, are partnering together
Congress and see a full list of speakers and
Thousands of believers from every corner of for “Hope in the Holy Land.” “Hope in the
worship artists online at www.jerusalem2015.
the globe are expected to come to Jerusalem Holy Land” is an outreach created to show com. Church groups of 25 or more can get
love and appreciation for those who reside
and lift up this generation and future special rates by emailing
Believers gather at Oral Roberts University in
Tulsa, OK for the “Empowered21: The Global
Congress on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the
21st Century” in 2010.