Page 44 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 44

Neot Kedumim

Biblical landscapes come to life in modern Israel

By Shahar Shilo                                                                                      Guided tour of the biblical park. Photos: Neot Kedumim

"But the land that you are going over to            "A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and     The biblical land of Israel is a grazing land for
possess is a land of hills and valleys, which       fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil       herds, and the Bible looks up to shepherds
drinks water by the rain from heaven"               olive, and honey" (Deuteronomy 8:8).             as natural born leaders (Abraham, Jacob,
(Deuteronomy 11:11)                                                                                  Moses, King Saul, King David and many
                                                    Neot Kedumim offers a network of natural         others). We will experience leading a flock of
Neot Kedumim is a Biblical Landscape                and agricultural landscapes bearing names        sheep and goats, as we practice the words
        Nature Reserve in the heart of Israel, 15   that indicate their textual sources: the Forest  of Jesus regarding the good shepherd (John
        minutes from Ben Gurion Airport. It re-     of Milk and Honey, the Dale of the Song of       10, 11).
        creates the physical setting of the Bible,  Songs and Isaiah’s Vineyard. By reuniting text
        which was the birthplace of biblical        and context, we understand Israel’s nature as    “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows
values and a rich vocabulary to express them.       the idiom of the Bible. The symbols, prayers     me will not walk in darkness” (John 8:12).
The Bible does not convey its ideas in abstract     and holidays of the Jewish and Christian
terms, but through a clear and vivid record         heritage blossom in the 625-acre biblical        Experience the world of the olive oil industry
of long human interaction with the Land of          nature reserve of Neot Kedumim.                  - the light source of the ancient world.
Israel. Neot Kedumim draws on a variety of
disciplines, such as Bible scholarship, botany,     Our experience (following the seasons of the     “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew
zoology, geography, history, and archaeology        year) includes:                                  6:11).
to bring the Bible and its commentaries to life.                                                     Experiencing the world of bread making:
                                                    “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me”           harvest wheat with a sickle, thresh it on the
                                                    (John 7:37).                                     threshing floor, winnow it and finally grind
                                                    Understanding the ancient water cistern          the grain for flour.
                                                    of the Bible, as we draw water from it like
                                                    Rebecca, Moses and Zipporah, and as we           Torah Scribe at work - “Till heaven and earth
                                                    see in the story of Jesus and the Samaritan      pass, not one jot or title shall not pass from
                                                    woman (John 4).                                  the law.” (Matthew 5:18).
                                                                                                     A demonstration of the famous ancient craft
                                                    “Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean”    of Hebrew calligraphy with reed pens.
                                                    (Psalms 51:7).
                                                    Come face to face with the famous biblical       For more information
                                                    herb, as we use the mortar and pestle to
                                                    make our own traditional spice mixture and
                                                    enjoy it with olive oil and pita bread.

    At the oil press                                Herding sheep and goats - “The Lord is my        The author, Shahar Shilo, is a historian and expert
                                                    shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalms 23:1).       guide on biblical archeology

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