Page 5 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2014
P. 5
The Pope's Historical Salve in Terra
President Shimon
Peres welcomes
Pope Francis with a
Pilgrimage the age old words
warm embrace and
from the Book of
Psalms: "Welcome
in the name of the
Lord." Photo: Mark
Neyman, GpoPhoto
Israeli PM
welcomes Pope
Prime Minister
Netanyahu welcomes
Pope Francis, saying
that he brought
with him the spirit
of reconcilliation,
faith and peace.
Netanyahu further
stated, "Your visit is
an important chapter
in the history of the
relations between
Christians and
Jews, a bond that
has lasted for 2,000
years." Photo: Avi
Ohayon, GpoPhoto
Western Wall Interfaith Relations
Touching the stones Pope Francis meets
of the Western Wall with the two Chief
in the Old City of Rabbis of Israel,
Jerusalem, Pope Rabbi David Lau
Francis bows his and Rabbi Shlomo
head briely and Amar. In their
slips a note written meeting, he noted
on his oicial papal the spiritual bonds
letterhead into the that unite Jews
crevices between and Christians and
the stones. The called for a common
Western Wall is one commitment to work
of the most sacred together for peace
sites in Judaism. and understanding.
Photo: Kobi Gideon, Photo: Haim Zach,
GpoPhoto GpoPhoto
President Shimon
Peres welcomes
Pope Francis with a
Pilgrimage the age old words
warm embrace and
from the Book of
Psalms: "Welcome
in the name of the
Lord." Photo: Mark
Neyman, GpoPhoto
Israeli PM
welcomes Pope
Prime Minister
Netanyahu welcomes
Pope Francis, saying
that he brought
with him the spirit
of reconcilliation,
faith and peace.
Netanyahu further
stated, "Your visit is
an important chapter
in the history of the
relations between
Christians and
Jews, a bond that
has lasted for 2,000
years." Photo: Avi
Ohayon, GpoPhoto
Western Wall Interfaith Relations
Touching the stones Pope Francis meets
of the Western Wall with the two Chief
in the Old City of Rabbis of Israel,
Jerusalem, Pope Rabbi David Lau
Francis bows his and Rabbi Shlomo
head briely and Amar. In their
slips a note written meeting, he noted
on his oicial papal the spiritual bonds
letterhead into the that unite Jews
crevices between and Christians and
the stones. The called for a common
Western Wall is one commitment to work
of the most sacred together for peace
sites in Judaism. and understanding.
Photo: Kobi Gideon, Photo: Haim Zach,
GpoPhoto GpoPhoto