Page 10 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 10
King David Statue on Mount Zion Mass prayer at the Western Wall before Yom Kippur
saw God in their dreams or in a religious through a court order. However, in many of daughter of Saul looked out at the window,
vision, and that they were commanded to the cases, the patient is released after the and saw king David leaping and dancing
make a pilgrimage to the city. Others came initial examination, after they have calmed before the LORD; and she despised him in
to believe that they were actually historic down. It appears that removing them from her heart. ... And Michal the daughter of Saul
figures. In other words, if you walk around the Old City and the religious site where the came out to meet David, and said: 'How did
the Old City and the surrounding area, don't behaviour began - improves their condition. the king of Israel get him honour to-day, who
be surprised if you bump into Jesus or King uncovered himself to-day in the eyes of the
David. With psychiatric treatment and medication, handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain
if required, people go back to being their fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!'"
According to Dr. Kalian, the thoughts old selves, and then go back to their Years later, Israeli comedy group HaGashash
and problems (if they can be defined as home countries (with an escort), with a HaHiver, would sing Mayim LeDavid
problems) exist before they arrive, and recommendation for continued care. After all, Hamelech with the line, "Why did Michal
Jerusalem is the ultimate stage to express let's be realistic, recovery, if there is such a laugh?" Is this the first historical reference to
those feelings or to act on the mission they thing, is not absolute. the syndrome? Did our very own King David
received in their home country. earn this dubious honour?
So when did it all begin?
Jerusalem Syndrome is generally diagnosed Regardless of whether King David was
when the police are contacted about a Modern research has documented the first, there is no doubt that people
strange case of a person who appears thousands of cases over the past thirty have always gone mad about Jerusalem.
unstable, engaging in religiously inspired years. We know of cases in the 19th century During my military service in the Old City of
acts, or a person who is trying to forcibly and the Middle Ages, but the first mention of Jerusalem, at some point in the nineties,
go to the Temple Mount to carry out their the phenomenon involves none other than I encountered such incidents at several
religious mission or violently enter a church. the ultimate King of Jerusalem, David. "hazardous" sites - the Jaffa Gate, the area
Some with the syndrome even begin around King David's tomb, the Mount of
extreme fasts to purify themselves and end In 2 Samuel, Chapter 6, the following story is Olives, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Via
up in the hospital. related quite cynically: Dolorosa and others.
"And David danced before the LORD with Now how many of us can say that we have
When reports of such extreme behaviour all his might; and David was girded with a met Jesus, Mary, John the Baptist, Samson
are made, the person afflicted with the linen ephod. So David and all the house and King David? I can, but if you spend
syndrome is taken to the hospital for a of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD enough time in Jerusalem, there's a good
psychiatric evaluation. If hospitalization is with shouting, and with the sound of the chance that you will too...
required, involuntary commitment is possible horn. And it was so, as the ark of the LORD
came into the city of David, that Michal the
D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 10