Page 13 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 13
proudly boasts that you'll never find a better Hussein's olive shop Jackie's Halva
falafel. It really was delicious. Our guide and project manager, Christina
What's more, he also offered six different Jackie's Halva is considered to be the best
dips for the falafel balls, and all of them were halva in Tel Aviv. It is completely homemade.
very nice. He told us that he is a second generation
halva maker. He has a very large selection to
The first gate of the shuk choose from (and taste!). My favourite was
the coffee halva.
We then continued into the Yemenite
Quarter, where Christina told us about the Druze cuisine
history of the market and the Yemenite
quarter in front of the first gate to Carmel Now for something completely different…
Market from 1920, which was very pretty. We watched how the ladies who run the
place make traditional Druze bread, and we
Cohen's Café tasted their special Druze sandwich. It was
filled with goat cheese, parsley, salad and
Shlomo Cohen is definitely one of the most lots of spices. It was so incredibly fresh and
colourful characters in the Carmel Market. delicious.
He's a third generation coffee maker, who
always dreamed of being a singer. So when Humus Hacarmel
he retired, he decided to study music and
became a cantor. This was definitely a surprising place. It was
the first time I'd ever eaten humus served
We enjoyed his special blend of coffee, while hot with all the extras (fresh onion, pickles,
he serenaded us with great sonatas. It was egg, beans, garbanzo beans, olive oil,
so special. He has a superb voice. lemon juice and a spicy sauce). It's a special
humus house that is actually designed as a
Ronnie's Spice Shop synagogue. We called it the holy humus.
Ronnie's Spice Shop is apparently very Malabi
well-known, especially to the biggest chefs
in Israel. It also has reputation for being a It was here that we reached our final stop
natural pharmacy. on the tour. Malabi is a traditional Middle
Ronnie grew up in his father's spice shop Eastern dessert. It is scrumptious milk-
and learned all the secrets of the spices. We based custard perfumed with rose water.
discovered and tasted amazing and special This special place was established by Ido, a
spices and homemade tea made from former high-tech professional, who decided
Ronnie's herbs. to leave everything and create the most
delicious malabi in Tel Aviv. It was the perfect
Shaul's Tahini way to end the tour.
After our visit with Ronnie, we met his father, I can't possibly begin to describe the
Shaul. He gave us fresh tahini with pita fabulous experience we had on this tour.
bread. It was different from any other tahini Our guide was very professional, nice and
I have ever tasted. It had a very dark colour, had a great sense of humour. The food was
because it is actually made from unhulled excellent, and the wines were amazing. This
sesame seeds. is something you definitely won't want to
miss while you're in Israel.
After the tahini, we tasted a great red wine,
from an award-wining winery located in the One of the guides, Bar, at Jackie's halva shop And for an even greater experience, for
Upper Galilee, Chateau de Galilee. (It was an extra fee you can cap the tour with a
so good that I even took three bottles home 10-course meal at the gourmet restaurant,
with me). Hatraklin.
Shoshana's House Ronnie's Spice Shop To learn more about Master Market tours:
Phone: +972-53-8267544, Christina
A special house tucked away in the Yemenite E-mail:
Quarter, decorated with hundreds of sea Website:
shells. Christina told us the story of the house, D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 13
while we tasted a special drink from Yemen.
Hussein's Olives
We continued on our tour to Hussein's
Olives, and he gave us about eight different
types of olives to taste. He grows some of
them himself, and some he imports from
Morocco and Greece. The black Moroccan
olives were my personal favourite.