Page 14 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 14

Catch a wave and an art show...
                                                                                                  Photo: Kfir Sivan

                                                 Surfs You Right -
                                                 Spend a Day at
                                                 the Beach

Life's a beach! And you thought                  extending from Jaffa's old port all the way      Regardless of the hour, there is always
that beach life was all about surf               north to the Yarkon River and Tel Aviv port -    something to see and do – clowns,
and catching a few rays. Well, think             one of Tel Aviv's trendiest entertainment hot    caricaturists, tattoo artists, magicians and of
again, because the world-renowned                spots, and its nine miles of splendid sandy      course, the ever-changing parade of people.
beaches of Tel Aviv give a whole new             beaches.                                         And right off the promenade, you’ll find clean
meaning to fun in the sun.                                                                        sand, lounge chairs, ice-cream vendors and
                                                 Tel Aviv has 16 beaches and over 300 sunny       all those die-hard beach-lovers swimming
Tel Aviv has been lauded as                      days a year, making it the perfect sun and       daily, winter and summer, no matter what.
               one of the best city-break        surf destination. If you are seeing this mental
               destinations in the world, and    picture of azure blue waters, fine golden         Working out on the beach. Photo: Kfir Bolotin
               the real source of its seductive  sand, beautiful girls in bikinis, and handsome
powers is its joie de vivre. Israel's most       guys working out and boasting six-pack abs,
vibrant metropolis is the perfect vacation       then you are absolutely right. But that is not
spot. Whether you're looking for a culinary      even half of it.
adventure, great architecture and cultural
delights, or non-stop nightlife, Tel Aviv is     Locals and tourists alike walk, jog, bike, or
the place for you! Yet the real jewel in the     sit on benches, filling their lungs with fresh
city's crown is the magnificent coastline of     air, and taking in a glorious nine-mile stretch
the Mediterranean, the beautiful promenade       of open views, blue horizons and white
                                                 sails bobbing on the waves. The long and
                                                 beautiful promenade is packed with bars,
                                                 cafes and restaurants, and nothing beats
                                                 sitting right on the beach, sipping coffee or
                                                 chugging a pint.

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