Page 10 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 10
New facets of the Jewish Quarter’s old
streets and monuments are revealed on
an evening stroll through this magical
part of Jerusalem’s Old City.
Miriam Feinberg Vamosh
W the Jewish main street during the sixth century, is a good
ith its unique blend of
Outside, you can watch the energetic stream
place to start. The entire Cardo complex was
ancient sites, restored and of people lowing by - it doesn’t seem to
new homes, and great
uncovered by the Company for the Restoration
slow down until long after dark. The planners
and Development of the Jewish Quarter in
wanted to once again make the Jewish
Quarter is high on every visitor’s list of places
to see in Jerusalem. Often, this part of the – and the crowds attest to their success. the company carried out construction for
the development and restoration of the city
Old City is the irst destination on the irst Quarter a living, breathing part of Jerusalem the Old City, Ltd. As owners of the property,
Jews had inhabited this area of the Old
morning’s tour. And, while a daylight tour City for some 800 years, but it was virtually after the Six-Day War . The Cardo complex
has its obvious advantages – sites like the destroyed in the 1948 War of Independence is composed of three areas - the open
Herodian Mansions and the Burnt House, and only came back into Israel’s hands after portion, the roofed portion, and the enclosed
which tell the story of Second Temple portion. In the enclosed area, another part
the Six-Day War united the city in 1967. So,
Jerusalem, are open, as are all the shops – a in addition to excavating and showcasing its of the planners’ vision was realized: The
night tour of the quarter has a special magic. unique archaeological treasures (which date restoration and reconstruction work made it
back to the days of the 8th century BCE possible to open art and Judaica galleries on
Begin at dusk at one of the quarter’s
reign of King Hezekiah and of the 586 BCE the very same premises where shopkeepers
restaurants. They all have outdoor seating, Babylonian conquest), homes were restored had sold their wares centuries ago, and the
so a light meal or leisurely cup of cofee and new ones were built. You’ll especially Cardo became a focus for the lourishing of
becomes a chance to appreciate the way enjoy watching the quarter’s children, most the quarter.
the setting sun highlights the facades of the in traditional Orthodox garb, whose parents
The ancient columns of the Cardo cast long
surrounding buildings. Enjoy the cityscape feel secure in sending large clusters of
as the stone turns from its gleaming daytime siblings on errands or out to play with an shadows in the glowing lights. They once
eggshell-white to a deep ash-rose and inally older sister or brother in charge of the brood. supported the roof of what can best be
to the burnished hues that gave rise to the described as the prototype of a strip mall.
unforgettable image of the city’s beauty
When the sun goes down, the lights go up, Cardo comes from the Latin word meaning
in the late Naomi Shemer’s famous song and it’s time to begin exploring the quarter “heart” and this was the heart of commerce
and religious processions in Byzantine
“Jerusalem of Gold.” with a new eye. The Cardo, Jerusalem’s
Casting an Ancient Shadow
streets and monuments are revealed on
an evening stroll through this magical
part of Jerusalem’s Old City.
Miriam Feinberg Vamosh
W the Jewish main street during the sixth century, is a good
ith its unique blend of
Outside, you can watch the energetic stream
place to start. The entire Cardo complex was
ancient sites, restored and of people lowing by - it doesn’t seem to
new homes, and great
uncovered by the Company for the Restoration
slow down until long after dark. The planners
and Development of the Jewish Quarter in
wanted to once again make the Jewish
Quarter is high on every visitor’s list of places
to see in Jerusalem. Often, this part of the – and the crowds attest to their success. the company carried out construction for
the development and restoration of the city
Old City is the irst destination on the irst Quarter a living, breathing part of Jerusalem the Old City, Ltd. As owners of the property,
Jews had inhabited this area of the Old
morning’s tour. And, while a daylight tour City for some 800 years, but it was virtually after the Six-Day War . The Cardo complex
has its obvious advantages – sites like the destroyed in the 1948 War of Independence is composed of three areas - the open
Herodian Mansions and the Burnt House, and only came back into Israel’s hands after portion, the roofed portion, and the enclosed
which tell the story of Second Temple portion. In the enclosed area, another part
the Six-Day War united the city in 1967. So,
Jerusalem, are open, as are all the shops – a in addition to excavating and showcasing its of the planners’ vision was realized: The
night tour of the quarter has a special magic. unique archaeological treasures (which date restoration and reconstruction work made it
back to the days of the 8th century BCE possible to open art and Judaica galleries on
Begin at dusk at one of the quarter’s
reign of King Hezekiah and of the 586 BCE the very same premises where shopkeepers
restaurants. They all have outdoor seating, Babylonian conquest), homes were restored had sold their wares centuries ago, and the
so a light meal or leisurely cup of cofee and new ones were built. You’ll especially Cardo became a focus for the lourishing of
becomes a chance to appreciate the way enjoy watching the quarter’s children, most the quarter.
the setting sun highlights the facades of the in traditional Orthodox garb, whose parents
The ancient columns of the Cardo cast long
surrounding buildings. Enjoy the cityscape feel secure in sending large clusters of
as the stone turns from its gleaming daytime siblings on errands or out to play with an shadows in the glowing lights. They once
eggshell-white to a deep ash-rose and inally older sister or brother in charge of the brood. supported the roof of what can best be
to the burnished hues that gave rise to the described as the prototype of a strip mall.
unforgettable image of the city’s beauty
When the sun goes down, the lights go up, Cardo comes from the Latin word meaning
in the late Naomi Shemer’s famous song and it’s time to begin exploring the quarter “heart” and this was the heart of commerce
and religious processions in Byzantine
“Jerusalem of Gold.” with a new eye. The Cardo, Jerusalem’s
Casting an Ancient Shadow