Page 11 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2015 Edition
P. 11
The Cardo is the strip across the center of this
replica of the Madaba Map. Photo: www.goisrael.
Jerusalem The location of the columns, far down the street, stay open into the early
below today’s street level, shows how much evening.
excavating had to be carried out to reveal the
ancient route. Ducking into a passageway that During your visit, you can’t miss one of the
was constructed to support the old buildings Jewish Quarter’s famous landmarks, the arch
above, yet allow visitors to continue their walk of the Hurvah Synagogue, which also takes
through the antiquities, you’ll come to a large- on a very diferent look at night. This historic
scale replica of Jerusalem as it appears on house of prayer was built in the mid-19th
the mosaic Madaba Map, its colorful stones century on the ruins of an earlier synagogue,
glinting in the lamp light. Excavations in the and was destroyed in the 1948 War of
Jewish Quarter revealed that the Madaba Independence. With the initial reconstruction
of the Jewish Quarter, only the arch was
Map, discovered in the 19th century in
Madaba, Jordan, accurately depicts the lay rebuilt. Now, however, after long years of The open air portion of the Cardo with its sixth century
of the street at that time. Next, you’ll come discussion and debate as to its design, a new columns. Photo: Moran Nachshony
to the restored, roofed portion of the Cardo, synagogue was built on the site.
where a huge golden menorah stands, also
dramatically lit. It was built by the Temple The best place to end your evening tour
Institute (another interesting Jewish Quarter is with a walk down the broad stairs
site to visit during the day), an organization connecting the Jewish Quarter to the
devoted to the study and reproduction of Western Wall. You’ll have plenty of company
the ancient implements used in the Temple - this sacred location, the last remnant of the
service. Second Temple destroyed so long ago, is
never deserted. In the cool of the evening,
in the shadow of the Western Wall, you may
At the height of the tourist season, and
especially during the summer, the shops in experience some of the most spiritually
the enclosed portion of the Cardo, further fulilling moments of your Jerusalem visit.
Staying up late is okay for this young Western Wall
night-owl. Photo: Moran Nachshony
Casting an Ancient Shadow A glorious view of the Tower of David and the Old City
walls. Photo:
replica of the Madaba Map. Photo: www.goisrael.
Jerusalem The location of the columns, far down the street, stay open into the early
below today’s street level, shows how much evening.
excavating had to be carried out to reveal the
ancient route. Ducking into a passageway that During your visit, you can’t miss one of the
was constructed to support the old buildings Jewish Quarter’s famous landmarks, the arch
above, yet allow visitors to continue their walk of the Hurvah Synagogue, which also takes
through the antiquities, you’ll come to a large- on a very diferent look at night. This historic
scale replica of Jerusalem as it appears on house of prayer was built in the mid-19th
the mosaic Madaba Map, its colorful stones century on the ruins of an earlier synagogue,
glinting in the lamp light. Excavations in the and was destroyed in the 1948 War of
Jewish Quarter revealed that the Madaba Independence. With the initial reconstruction
of the Jewish Quarter, only the arch was
Map, discovered in the 19th century in
Madaba, Jordan, accurately depicts the lay rebuilt. Now, however, after long years of The open air portion of the Cardo with its sixth century
of the street at that time. Next, you’ll come discussion and debate as to its design, a new columns. Photo: Moran Nachshony
to the restored, roofed portion of the Cardo, synagogue was built on the site.
where a huge golden menorah stands, also
dramatically lit. It was built by the Temple The best place to end your evening tour
Institute (another interesting Jewish Quarter is with a walk down the broad stairs
site to visit during the day), an organization connecting the Jewish Quarter to the
devoted to the study and reproduction of Western Wall. You’ll have plenty of company
the ancient implements used in the Temple - this sacred location, the last remnant of the
service. Second Temple destroyed so long ago, is
never deserted. In the cool of the evening,
in the shadow of the Western Wall, you may
At the height of the tourist season, and
especially during the summer, the shops in experience some of the most spiritually
the enclosed portion of the Cardo, further fulilling moments of your Jerusalem visit.
Staying up late is okay for this young Western Wall
night-owl. Photo: Moran Nachshony
Casting an Ancient Shadow A glorious view of the Tower of David and the Old City
walls. Photo: