Page 21 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 21

ual Pilgrimage

A Bar Mitzvah boy puts on tefillin for the first time at ancient Shiloh  A young girl guides her guests at ancient Shiloh as part of her Bat Mitzvah celebration.
                                                                         Above: A moving musical experience at the site where the Tabernacle once stood

“For this child I prayed” (I Samuel 1:27)          or an adventure outing. Nearby wineries and       Hannah, blessed with a son after years of
                                                   oil producers add to Shiloh’s uniqueness.         barrenness due to the fervency of her prayers
Shiloh, in the hill country of the                                                                   at the Tabernacle, returns with offerings and
              tribe of Ephraim, was the central    In the Bible, we read in the Book of I Samuel     places her son in the care of Eli, the High
              Israelite worship location prior to  about Elkanah and his family making a             Priest. He matures and becomes Samuel, the
              the establishment of the monarchy.   pilgrimage to Shiloh.                             Seer, a prophet, a judge and a leader of his
It was the site of the Tabernacle, to where                                                          people.
spiritual pilgrimages were made to seek out        The Rabbis’ midrashic interpretation relates
God’s blessings.                                   that each holiday Elkana would take his           Visiting Shiloh provides insight into the
                                                   family and ascend the mountains to Shiloh,        place where he grew up. Walking through
And Shiloh remains a spiritual site for the        a journey that would also teach those who         the ruins while viewing the hillside country,
young and the old alike as well as for those       were lax in making the pilgrimage a lesson        the vineyards that have been replanted, the
interested in archaeology and history of the       concerning the command to appear before           valleys, the springs and walking out to the
Land of Israel. With excavations ongoing,          the Lord at his house (Exodus 23:14-17).          probable Tabernacle courtyard area is not
visitors are witnesses to almost 4,000                                                               only a learning experience, but one that
years and more of human endeavor and               Elkana would take a different route each time     invigorates the spirit.
accomplishment of various cultures and             and sleep in the village square at various
peoples. We also have the opportunity to           locations. This piqued the curiosity of the       The prayer of Hannah was unique among
learn about the Tabernacle and experience          townspeople in villages along the alternating     prayers, as it was but a whisper no one could
the unique atmosphere that pervades Shiloh.        routes, and they would ask him why he did         hear for “only her lips moved…but her voice
                                                   not avail himself of their hospitality. Informed  could not be heard.” The haftarah portion
With special educational activities for            that he was on his way to serve God at the        recited on Rosh Hashana recalls this moving
youngsters, including Biblical-period arts and     spiritual center of Shiloh, they accepted his     and emotional episode. Yet it was granted
crafts, terrain bicycling and hiking as well as    invitation to join him.                           almost immediately, even if Eli’s first reaction
on-site event facilities and catering, Shiloh                                                        was abrupt, thinking her perhaps drunk.
is prime place to hold a Bar/Bat Mitzvah           You, too, can symbolically relive the pilgrimage  Thus, the custom of praying at Shiloh has
celebration, a class or family-and-friends trip    of Elkana, as well as that of Hannah.             become a tradition, and many come to speak

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