Page 22 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 22

Chaim (Fima) Falik Observation Tower

their soul here. Visitors, both young and old,    Shilonite, was that generation’s spiritual      The Visitor Center contains a large selection
will find it easy to commune at Tel Shiloh.       leader.                                         of boutique wines, virgin olive oil, Bible-
                                                                                                  themed jewelry, books and other Shiloh-
The Prophet Jeremiah also instructed the          When you visit ancient Shiloh today, you will   connected items. Arrangements can be made
Israelites, to ‘go now unto my place which        walk among the uncovered remains from           to participate in workshops of Tabernacle-
was in Shiloh, where I first caused my name       the Second Temple period and see recently       associated arts and crafts such as weaving
to dwell’ (Jeremiah 7:12). He did so knowing      excavated houses and storerooms as well         and pottery making. A lecture hall is also
that they required a spiritual uplifting that     as Byzantine basilicas from the 4th and 5th     available as is as an outdoor events space.
would return them to the proper moral ways.       centuries. The Jama’a A-Sattin mosque, from     There is also an on-site café.
He knew that only a direct and physical           the post-Crusader era, is at Shiloh as is a
confrontation with Shiloh could bring about       1,500-year-old olive press.                     The Tel Shiloh administration has laid
the needed repentance.                                                                            out terrain bicycle touring routes in the
                                                  Shiloh remains where God, man and land          surrounding countryside as well as walking
Jeremiah’s message is no less applicable to       come together with a powerful uplifting         paths, where visitors can rest by natural water
our contemporary life.                            experience. The Mishkan Shiloh Association –    pools. Additional tours through olive orchards
                                                  The Center for the Study and Development of     and vineyards are available.
Shiloh invites visitors, tourists, history buffs  the Cradle of Settlement in the Land of Israel
and Bible students to travel into the beautiful   – in cooperation with the Binyamin Regional     At Shiloh, we say that the true path to
scenery of the hill country north of Jerusalem,   Council and Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, as    Jerusalem leads through Shiloh.
to arrive here and hear the echo of uplifting     well as assistance from private quarters, has   Whatever your reason for coming to Tel
messages of faith and hope that have been         been involved this past decade in making Tel    Shiloh – spiritual, historical, archaeological or
uncovered at Tel Shiloh.                          Shiloh accessible to visitors.                  just plain fun and enjoyment – you won't be
At Shiloh, Joshua appointed those who, from       The HaRoeh Tower contains a museum of
each tribe, were to walk through the land         archaeological artifacts and on the second      Ancient Shiloh web site:
and fix the borders for the tribal portions.      floor, visitors can watch a video presentation
The annual Feast of the Lord (Judges 21:19)       with its exciting and emotional film on         For reservations and guided tours, call the
was celebrated at Shiloh. During the kingship     Biblical Shiloh.                                Visitor Center at +972-(0)2-9944019 or +972-
Jeroboam, the prophet Ahiyah, called the                                                          (0)52-720-3415 or e-mail

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