Page 25 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 25
DKRrauettsihesaiwnngitdhubpGror"etBhaietbrGlicBraaralnnSddtmyoloent"h. er
ceremony provides a moving opportunity for
grandparents, parents and children to join
together to mark a unique milestone in the life
of the family. Passing the Torah down from
generation to generation symbolizes the link
between the past, present and future and
the site of the Bat or Bar Mitzvah as the next
link in the chain of our Jewish heritage that
reaches back thousands of years."
That evening we had a celebration banquet at gfKarFat’uhfnanedrrfrKaiSdteehindaegenrm,tMhs.eiicKshtdaeaotrieneElkwmeyimtshaahtaenrd
the King David Hotel and were thrilled to have
Shuli Natan sing Yerushalayim Shel Zahav:
“Jerusalem of gold, of copper and light, I am
a violin for all your songs”…
One of the highlights of the trip was the visit
to Kfar Kedem in the Galilee. It took us back
to biblical times, and we loved riding the
donkeys. It was a lot of fun, even for great
grandma Ruth.
On my family tours, the guide keeps all the Susan Cutler is a Jewish educator from CweitlehbhreatrinsgistaetrtEhme mKianganDdavSidavHtaoTteolv: aK.atie
generations engaged throughout the trip, Wilton, Connecticut, who officiates at Bar and Rabbi Michael Boyden blessing the Bat Mitzvah Katie
and the children come away with a deeper Bat Mitzvahs at Robinson's Arch. She says,
sense of Jewish history and a more profound in her experience, "The Bar and Bat Mitzvah
appreciation for their family. After visiting the ceremony is always a poignant event that
Western Wall on Friday night and touching is especially magical when taking place in
the ancient stones, Alyssa, a Bat Mitzvah Israel. At Robinson's Arch, among the ancient
girl, said, “I feel so Jewish." Benji, who had stones, you feel that you are indeed a living
his Bar Mitzvah on Masada, said, “I feel part of Jewish history."
different now about being Jewish.” Heidi,
after her Bat Mitzvah on Masada with her Susan's families consistently report that the
parents and grandma said, "Now I know experience is life changing, with many of her
what it really means to be a Jew." Katie, my students eager to return to participate in an
granddaughter, still reminisces about her Bat Israel trip with peers, such as a teen tour or
Mitzvah, and how she gained an appreciation Birthright. The experience often serves as
for the history of Judaism and how to apply a beautiful reunion between American and
Jewish values to her daily life. Israeli cousins, together after many years, or
perhaps meeting for the first time.
Over the past 30 years, Rabbi Jay Karzen,
author of Off The Wall, has seen many multi- Grandparents dream of taking their
generational Bar and Bat Mitzvah events. He grandchildren to Israel for a Bar or Bat
told me about one memorable tearful episode Mitzvah. Those who do, feel fortunate to
of a Russian family who had come from the be able to travel with the entire family for
States to celebrate the first Bar Mitzvah in the trip of a lifetime. Traveling with the
their family in many decades. “In meeting extended family is always a fun and bonding
them, I discovered that both the father and experience, but it is most meaningful in Israel,
grandfather had never had a Bar Mitzvah or where history and family come together.
Aliyah L'Torah. I suggested that we have a
'triple' service, with each celebrant having a
ceremony to mark their belated Bar Mitzvah.
The 13-year-old celebrant agreed, and it was
a most emotional and inspirational ceremony.”