Page 38 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 38

located in Katzrin, the Golan’s only city (Tel:   Heights, dolmens (mysterious ancient stone        A signpost beside the trail leading to Gamla, citing a quote
04-696-1350; Website: http://museum.              structures), a fairly challenging path that       from the Roman-era historian Josephus. In the background, The rich collection of this        includes descending with the help of metal        remains of the city of Gamla. Photo: Israel Eshed
impressive museum brings together amazing         handholds, and the astoundingly clear pool
archaeological treasures that were unearthed      surrounded by hexagonal stone columns (Tel:           Where to Eat and Sleep
throughout the region. You can also watch a       04-682-0238).
film about the ancient city of Gamla, which                                                             •	 Most of the restaurants in the
was a large Jewish city in the Golan until it     Another beautiful nature reserve is the Yarden        	 Golan serve wonderful meat
was sacked by the Romans in 68 CE. After          Park, which runs along the banks of the               	 cuisine, and the dairy restaurants are
visiting the museum, it’s worthwhile to stop      Jordan River with lots of shaded waterways,           	 outstanding. Almost all restaurants 	
at the nearby Katzrin Talmudic Village, a         ancient flour mills, an archaeological tel, a         	 have children’s menus, too.
reconstruction of the village that existed here   fishing site, and a facility for renting kayaks       •	 One of the best options for
in the early years of the first millennium (Tel:  and boats to enjoy the river’s calm waters            	 accommodations is the well-
04-696-2412).                                     (Tel: 04-692-3422).                                   	 developed network of fine bed-and-
                                                                                                        	 breakfasts and guestrooms spread
Having mentioned Gamla, here’s a                  And from the art of nature to manmade                 	 throughout the Golan. These
reminder that the site offers a marvelous         art: Many Golan residents are engaged in              	 attractive and well-appointed facilities
combination of incredible views, natural          artistic creation, so you’ll find an abundance        	 often include Jacuzzis, small kitchens
beauty and remains of the past. The site          of galleries, artists’ studios and workshops          	 and a loft for the kids to sleep in.
boasts two world-class attractions: a unique      to visit. At Moshav Aniam, most of whose              	 Other possibilities include hotels,
concentration of birds of prey, including some    residents are artists, the Artists Village            	 hostels and field schools.
rare species; and the remains of the Gamla        features a central lane lined with galleries,
synagogue, one of the world’s oldest known        souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes (Tel:       Continuing northward, you’ll pass picturesque
synagogues. The site offers three walking         054-522-8130).                                    Druze villages built into the hillsides in pastoral
trails, observation points and Israel’s highest                                                     style. The villages offer an array of tourist
waterfall, the Gamla, which cascades down         The afternoon hours are perfect for going         services, including restaurants, guestrooms,
from a height of 170 feet (Tel: 04-682-2282).     up to Mitzpeh Shalom, a lookout in Kfar           and a hospitality tent that showcases Druze
                                                  Haruv in the southern Golan that offers a         traditions.
Day Two – The Art of Man and                      breathtaking view of Lake Kinneret and the
Nature                                            Galilee mountains. During the 1967 Six-Day        Then you’ll want to visit Nimrod’s Fortress,
                                                  War, the Israel Defense Forces liberated the      a well-preserved medieval stronghold atop
One of the Golan’s most riveting natural          settlements in the valley below from being        a high ridge overlooking a narrow valley.
geological phenomena is the Hexagon               shelled by the Syrian army from this exact        On summer nights, you can join an exciting
(Meshushim) Pool, surrounded by formations        spot. Now called the Shalom Lookout (Tel:         guided tour that takes you through the
of six-sided basalt pillars that were created by  04-696-2885), it has a good restaurant            fortress’s corridors and secret passageways
long-ago lava flows. To see this wonder, you’ll   that takes in the spectacular view and is an      by lantern light (Tel: 04-694-9277).
need to set off on an energetic morning hike      excellent place to wind up the day.
in one of the Golan’s most beautiful parks –                                                        And finally, we’ve arrived at the roof of
the Yehudiya Forest Nature Reserve. It’s an       Day Three – To the                                Israel – Mt. Hermon. In the winter, it’s a well-
adventurous trail with a stunning panoramic       Northernmost Point                                developed ski facility and in the summer,
lookout point overlooking the eastern Golan                                                         as the snows melt, its slopes are festooned
                                                  Today will take you to the northern Golan         with gorgeous wildflowers. The view from
The Land of Wine and                              Heights, where you’ll finish up on Israel’s       the top is simply stupendous – you can see
Olives                                            highest mountain – Mt. Hermon. A great start      wide swaths of Israel and understand just
                                                  to the morning is to go up (by foot or by car)    how important this peak is to preserving the
•	The secret of the magic and high                to the lookout point on Mt. Bental, where         country’s security.
	 quality of the Golan’s fine wines can           you’ll be invigorated by the stunning view of
	 be attributed to the area’s rich and            the Syrian city of Kuneitra and Mt. Hermon.       For any additional information, including
	 fertile basalt soil, its special climatic       The lookout features the remains of an Israeli    details on accommodations, attractions,
	 conditions and its stringent production         army outpost, as well as a nice café.             restaurants and wineries, as well as help in
	 processes. Produced from grapes                                                                   planning your Golan itinerary, call the Golan
	 grown in the Golan, these outstanding           To complete this segment of the trip, it’s        Tourist Information Center: 04-696-2885.
	 wines have garnered top prizes in               worth getting out – for a self-drive adventure
	 international competitions. A tour              in one of the all-terrain vehicles you can rent
	 of the various wineries, from boutique          at Kibbutz Ein Zivan (Tel: 050-900-1070;
	 operations to large-scale facilities, is        Website: or Moshav
	 fascinating and enjoyable – tastings            Odem (Tel: 050-520-6050). Take a tour of the
	 are included!                                   Kuneitra Valley and the Odem Forest.
•	For thousands of years, olive trees
	 have been cultivated in the Golan               From Mt. Bental, a 10-minute drive brings
	 Heights for the production of high-             you to the Oz 77 site, which is named after
	 quality olive oil. Today the area is            the armored battalion that fought a fierce
	 dotted with modern pressing facilities          battle here in the 1973 Yom Kippur War
	 that produce exceptional olive oil,             under the command of Avigdor Kahalani.
	 which has won praise and prizes all             The observation point overlooks the Valley of
	 over the world.                                 Tears. At nearby Kibbutz Ortal, you can watch
                                                  a moving film about the history of the 77th
                                                  Armored Battalion, as told by its fighters (Tel:
                                                  04-683-8016; Website:

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