Page 33 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 33

Storage jar with incised inscription: […] Ish-Baal son
                                                                                                      of Beda.Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
                                                                                                      Photo: Tal Rogovsky
                                                                                                      On left: Model Shrine. A unique stone model shrine
                                                                                                      whose façade draws detailed parallels to the Temple
                                                                                                      of Solomon in Jerusalem. Courtesy of the Israel
                                                                                                      Antiquities Authority. Photo:Gabi Laron

seasons of excavations, there have been a           years of the Israelite and Judean monarchies.     this enigmatic site on the map. Let the Bible
plethora of incredible and curious finds that       This was also the era that saw the Israelites     Lands Museum Jerusalem know what you
have captured the world’s attention: evidence       living in the shadow of the Philistines, their    think – visit the exhibition and see if you can
that transports us back in time to the 10th         mighty neighbor to the west. The Israelite        answer the most intriguing question of all: Did
century BCE, the time of King David. Among          ‘obsession’ with the Philistines and their        King David build this Judean border city in the
the finds unearthed are a unique stone model        attempts to remove the Philistine ‘yoke,’ while   Elah Valley?
shrine whose façade draws detailed parallels        at the same time creating their own political
to the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem; two          and cultural identity, was the source of many     In the Valley of David and Goliath will open in
ancient inscriptions with one containing the        clashes between the two.                          September 2016 at the Bible Lands Museum
name Ish-Baal; earliest known evidence of                                                             Jerusalem. The artifacts on display were all
a fortified city with casemate walls; not one,      "The exhibition In the Valley of David and        excavated in Israel and are on loan from the
but two gates and much more. These and              Goliath takes you on a journey back in time to    Israel Antiquities Authority. The exhibition was
other finds together with the city’s location       the Elah Valley and the period when Khirbet       curated by Dr. Filip Vukosavović, Oree Meiri
on the border between Judah and Philistia           Qeiyafa was a thriving city," said Amanda         and Yehuda Kaplan.
and its scientifically verified dating to the       Weiss, Director of the Bible Lands Museum
end of 11th-early 10th century BCE give rise        Jerusalem. "We have reconstructed, on             The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem (BLMJ),
many powerful questions such as who built           a smaller scale, the most representative          Israel's largest and most important museum
the city and for what purpose, who were its         sections of the city as it stood in circa         of ancient history and archaeology, exhibits
inhabitants, why did it have two gates – one        1,000 BCE, during the time of King David.         the archaeology and art of the Ancient Near
of which faced Philistia and the other Judah.       The exhibition will display the most exciting     East, the lands of the Bible. The museum,
Why was the city abandoned shortly after it         archaeological finds unearthed during the         located in the heart of Jerusalem's Museum
was inhabited, never to be resettled again          excavations, the vast majority of which will      Row, adjacent to the Knesset and the Israeli
and what was the city’s ancient name –could         be on display for the first time. The exhibition  Parliament, has earned international acclaim
it have possibly been the biblical Sha'araim        is enhanced with relevant biblical quotes         as a universal center for the understanding
(literally "two gates" in Hebrew) mentioned         throughout, as no original text compares to       and appreciation of the history of this region
in 1 Samuel 17 where we read the detailed           the biblical account of the David and Goliath     through its innovative exhibitions, cultural and
account of the battle between David and             saga – a progenitor of all great narratives,      educational programming. The magnificent
Goliath?                                            where the meek overpower the mighty               Main Exhibition, encompassing 21 galleries
                                                    and true leadership and trust in goodness         and displaying approximately 4,000 artifacts,
Answers to these and other questions shed           triumphs over brute strength and evil."           unveils the development of civilization from
new light on our understanding of this pivotal                                                        an historical perspective. The Museum's
chapter in early Israelite history in the Land      Seeing the archaeological evidence up close       priceless collection of antiquities brings to life
of Israel, and particularly vis-à-vis the biblical  and understanding the geo-political realities     the stories of the Bible, revealing the daily life
account. This was a transition time between         of the day, the story of David and Goliath        and spiritual world of the civilizations of our
the ‘period of the Judges’ and the formative        plays a subtle and yet dramatic role in placing   ancestors and their contemporaries.

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