Page 4 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 4
Remains of pillars of buildings thought to Biblical prophecy tells us that one Both traders and armies moved through
have been storehouses or barracks with this pass on their way across the Jezreel
stables from the time of King Ahab. day history will repeat itself and Valley on the main route between Egypt
Photo: Hanan Isachar and Mesopotamia, coming from the
Megiddo will once again be the international coastal highway known as the
C limbing up the mound known as Tel Via Maris (meaning the way of the sea in
scene of a mighty battle – this Latin) and Egypt and moving northward
Megiddo and entering the 3,000-year-old through the Fertile Crescent to the
gate built from massive uncut stones during time, with a fateful outcome for the kingdoms of the East. Megiddo also controls
the reign of King Solomon brings you to the access to the road connecting Nablus
the top of a plateau with a breathtaking whole world.
view of the surrounding valley.
During most of the year, its strategic
Nothing in this beautiful pastoral landscape significance is easily visible and
in Israel’s North offers even a hint of the understandable. Located on the eastern
ominous associations connected with this slope of the Carmel mountain range,
site, also known as Armageddon. Megiddo was the main city guarding the
mountain pass from the coast and the
Sharon Plain to the Plain of Megiddo.
4 “The kings came and fought; Then fought the kings of Canaan at Taanach near the waters of Megiddo” (Judges 5:19)