Page 6 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 6
In the large palaces built by the Israelite kings in Megiddo, hoards of gold
and ivory objects were found, indicating the importance of the city. Photo: INPA
and the hill country of Ephraim to the given about the “last battle of history,” location of many decisive battles in ancient
South with the Plain of Acre and the sometimes referred to as a clash between times. This broad plain has been the
towns of Tyre and Sidon on the coast “the forces of good and the forces of evil.” scene of over 100 battles, according to
to the north. This made it one of the historical records.
most strategic cities in Israel, until it The predictions are also based on Old
was destroyed by the Assyrians in 732 Testament scriptures such as Zechariah One of the largest and most famous
BCE. 12:1-9, in which he predicts that just before archaeological excavations ever undertaken
the Messiah’s return, Gentile nations will in Israel, the dig at Tel Megiddo, unearthed
What associated this site with the march against Jerusalem to destroy the a bounty of findings showing that the site
apocalyptic battle (or campaign) between “place God has chosen” (as Jerusalem is was inhabited from about 7000 BCE to
God and Satan (whose name means called in Psalms 132:13,14). This could 500 BCE, leaving behind more than 20
“adversary”)? It boils down to one word in indicate that Megiddo is where the ultimate layers of ruins representing every period
a single verse in the Greek New Testament: battle will take place, but some scriptural of ancient history.
Armageddon, which is thought to represent commentaries surmise that the tel will
the Hebrew words Har Meggido, meaning function only as the staging ground for the Walking through the tel is like walking with
“Mountain of Megiddo.” final confrontation, which will be fought to an open textbook of ancient military history;
the bitter end in Jerusalem. defensive walls, massive gates, secret
“They are demonic spirits that perform passages to the water supply and extensive
signs. They go to the kings of the whole This event is believed to be the precursor stables for horses and chariots can be seen
earth and gather them for the war of the to the second coming of Christ; thus, its and identified from the many periods
great Day of God Almighty…The spirits timing, location and details have been exposed by the digs held over the last
gathered the kings at the place that is precisely studied, interpreted and described century. Although originally Canaanite (as
called Armageddon in Hebrew” (Rev. over the centuries. shown by the Canaanite worship center
16:14, 16). and a 5,000-year-old altar still visible in the
While this is not the place to evaluate eastern part of the tel), the city derives its
Many books have been written setting forth centuries of scholarly study, it is interesting military fame from its mention in connection
various interpretations of the Book of to try and identify the reason why this with one of the best recorded military
Revelation, also known as Revelation to small hill in northern Israel has garnered campaigns in ancient history.
John, the last canonical book of the New such attention.
Testament. In the revelation of Jesus Christ As documented in ancient Egyptian
to John, predictions and prophecies are Historical, archaeological and biblical hieroglyphics, the Egyptian pharaoh
research teaches us that Megiddo was the