Page 8 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 8
Thutmose III brags about his victory in a Later still, in 874-853 BCE, King Ahab
battle against a coalition of Canaanite rebuilt the city in grand style, reconstructing
cities that rebelled against Egypt's the gates and introducing the stables as well
domination. In an epic battle held in 1478 as digging the sophisticated water supply
BCE, the city succumbed and was captured that allowed the water to flow under the city
from the Canaanites after a brilliant tactical walls to a stepped shaft leading deep down
maneuver through the least expected valley toward this vital reservoir. Ahab's city stood
passage, followed by a seven-month-siege for about 150 years, until it fell to Assyrian
by the Egyptians. The writing on the invaders in 722-23 BCE. This period, too,
temple wall indicates that “the capturing left behind extensive archaeological evidence
of Megiddo is the capturing of a thousand of fortifications and control.
cities.” This victory further established
Egypt’s presence and control of the land Other historical battles occurred at the tel
until Joshua conquered the area in the and in the surrounding valley between armies
mid-13th century BCE. marching through the land, as noted in 2
Kgs.23:29-30 when King Josiah is killed by
After the conquest by Joshua and settling Pharaoh Neco after he tries to prevent the
of the land by the Israelite tribes, Megiddo
The massive walls of the city over looking the
Hanan Isachar valley of Armageddon will not protect the city
in the future.
became one of the major cities in the Egyptian army from assisting the Assyrians
Manasseh region; however, because it was against the Babylonians.
so well-fortified, the tribe was unable to
conquer it and it remained an Egyptian Megiddo has witnessed battles not only during
enclave. (Josh 17:11-13; Judge 1:27-28; ancient and biblical times, but in modern
I Chr. 7:29) times too. In 1799, French troops led by
Napoleon Bonaparte put Akko under siege,
By the time of Solomon's reign (10th sent divisions to the Jezreel Valley and won
century BCE), Megiddo had become an a major battle against the advancing Turks.
Israelite city and was fortified again. King The British General Edmund Allenby defeated
Solomon made it his stronghold, along with the Turkish army in 1917 during World War
Hazor in the upper Jordan Valley and Gezer I at Megiddo, and it was there that the Israeli
on the coastal plain, to ensure his control army turned back Arab forces that were
of the Via Maris (1 Kgs 9:15-16). Megiddo’s threatening Haifa in 1948.
Solomonic gates, heavily fortified walls and
spacious palaces indicate its importance as Given all this, it is no surprise that this
an administrative center. legendary site located on the crossroads of
history – one of the world's most contested
Following Solomon’s death, the city once pieces of territory – might one day be the
again fell under Egyptian rule after King scene of the ultimate battle between darkness
Shishak of Egypt destroyed Megiddo, erecting and light, as biblical prophecy attests.
a stele (monument) on the site to mark his
victory (1 Kgs 14:25-28). To learn more about Megiddo see: