Page 18 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 18

Dapper, white-haired Reed Holmes has               well-known for his oratory                    In the Maine Friendship House Museum, a piece of
had a love affair with these American Jaffa        powers, charisma, and                         lumber from the original home and other objects of
settlers since the mid-1970s, when he first        apparently unsuccessful fight                 daily life on display.
visited Jaffa on one of the frequent trips to      against an addiction to
Israel that he organized – “friendship tours,”     alcohol.                                      it turned out to be the initials MTW –
as he calls them. But Reed made his first                                                        standing for Mark T. Wentworth, Reed’s
acquaintance with the Jaffa Christians many        But Adams had a vision,                       own ancestor. It was known that the group
years before that, and thousands of miles          explains Holmes, and it                       had marked each parcel of pre-cut lumber
away, in the picturesque fishing village of        proved to be far ahead of its                 with the name of the owner for which that
Jonesport, Maine. “That’s when I met               time. Holmes leafs through                    house (or parcel) was designated. The
Thressa Rogers Kelley. She was 88 and              the pages of The Forerunners                  location of Wentworth’s home could only
she told me of her days as a teenager in           and begins to read from the                   be guessed at prior to this providential find.
the Jaffa American Colony. It was the first        petition the community sent                   Another original M.T. Wentworth board is
time I had heard about the colony from the         to William Seward, then U.S.                  now on display in the Maine Friendship
perspective of a young person, and I began         secretary of state, appealing                 House museum.
to understand that this was not only about         to him to ask the Ottoman
tragedy, but much more.”                           authorities to permit them to                 It’s easy to see that Reed and Jean Holmes
Adding to his special interest in the subject      settle in Jaffa. They firmly believed, they   take pride in putting together another piece
was the fact that later, while working on          wrote, in the “great fertility and immense    of this American historical puzzle. Their
The Forerunners, his book about the                resources of that partially desolate land     work has had a ripple effect on the entire
colony, he came across the name                    if it will be brought under cultivation.      neighborhood. Some homes are being
Wentworth on the Nellie Chapin passenger           Our object is not to go to Palestine as       restored and others are being preserved or
list; this person, he eventually realized, was     missionaries or politicians, but as peaceful  developed, worthy complements to the
one of his own ancestors.                          sojourners. We wish to introduce all the      renewal of the nearby Neve Tzedek quarter,
“Tragedy” is all that most people know             improvements of the age in science,           one of Tel Aviv-Jaffa’s tourism hubs. Thanks
about the Jaffa American Colony. Three             agriculture, and mechanisms.”                 to municipal investment, the area is now
sweltering months were spent in shacks on                                                        lit with the golden glow of period-style
the Jaffa shore, waiting for the Ottoman           Despite the dissipation of the colony as a    lampposts, and has park benches and newly
authorities to let them take possession of         whole, the 20 Americans who stayed on         planted trees.
the breezy hilltop lots that Adams had             and thrived proceeded to do just that. Rolla
bought with the funds the community had            Floyd, for example, laid the foundations      Among the visitors to the house are not
entrusted to him. Many died in the first           for modern tourism with his Maine spring      only Christian tour groups and Israeli
months. When they finally did settle in,           wagon, which provided the first regular       schoolchildren, but actual American Colony
their first harvest was almost totally lost.       carriage transport between Jaffa and          descendants, including two great-
Internal strife ate away at their confidence       Jerusalem. Another member of the group,       granddaughters of Captain Ackley Norton
in Adams, a former Shakespearean actor,            Herbert Clark, who lost his father and two    and several Wentworth descendants. The
                                                   of his brothers on that steamy Jaffa beach,   Holmeses would love to see as many
The American settlers in Jaffa brought new steel   grew up to become the U.S. vice consul        American visitors as possible in their little
plows, replacing wooden implements like these, on  in Jerusalem, where he built a magnificent    piece of Maine in Jaffa, doing exactly what
display in the museum.                             stone mansion outside the Jaffa Gate.         this energetic couple does every day: in
                                                                                                 Jean’s words, “acknowledging history.”
                                                   The mansion, with its distinctive red and
                                                   white stone exterior stands out above one     The Maine Friendship House features a gallery and
                                                   of Jerusalem’s newest shopping attractions,   museum, where you can also purchase Reed Holmes’
                                                   the Alrov (Mamilla) pedestrian mall near      book on the colony, The Forerunners. It is open on
                                                   the Jaffa Gate.                               Fridays from 12 to 3 and Saturdays from 2 to 4, or
                                                                                                 by reservation. In Israel, call 03-681-9225. For more
                                                   However, not all of the American Colony’s     information:
                                                   buildings were as lucky as Clark’s Jerusalem
                                                   mansion. Many of their wooden houses in
                                                   Jaffa were bulldozed before the area was
                                                   declared a historic site. Others received a
                                                   plaster coating at the hands of the German
                                                   Christian Templers who purchased the
                                                   buildings from the departing Americans.

                                                   After purchasing the building at 10
                                                   Auerbach in 2002 and beginning
                                                   renovations, the Holmses spied, among
                                                   the rotting rafters, a piece of wood with
                                                   English letters on it. On closer inspection,

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