Page 54 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 54

Ripe wheat on the stalk, a sign of                                                                             Where Biblical Meals Await
spring in the Holy Land, can be
picked and eaten as is (Luke 6:1).                                                                             Ask your travel planner to arrange a biblical-style meal
                                                                                                               for you at one of the following sites:
    Grapes in the highlands, ready for harvest.                                                                q Yad Hashemonah, near Jerusalem:
    Photo: Ramat Hagolan Winery                                                                                q Nazareth Village in Nazareth:

                                                                                                               q Neot Kedumim:

                                                                                                               Date Honey

                                                                                                               Those juicy Israeli dates you bring home from your
                                                                                                               trip can be more than a snack!
                                                                                                               Place two pounds of dried dates of the juicy variety
                                                                                                               (Medjool) in 2-3 cups water and cook until they
                                                                                                               become the texture of porridge. Strain the liquid into
                                                                                                               another pot. Continue cooking over a low fire until it
                                                                                                               is reduced to the consistency of caramel. Pour into
                                                                                                               a decorative jar and you have the perfect hospitality
                                                                                                               gift from the Bible.

in wine” (Gen. 49:11). When you visit            Capernaum and at Beit Guvrin National                         “Land of Milk and Honey,” on the other
Shiloh, you can stand in the very place          Park, west of Jerusalem near the biblical                     hand, may have connoted less intensely
where the young women came out dancing           city of Maresha, where an early press that                    cultivated grazing land sprouting wildflowers
to celebrate the grape harvest, and hear         used weights rather than the screw popular                    pollinated by bees, and the goats and sheep
the complicated ins-and-outs of how the          in Jesus’ time has been reconstructed.                        that grazed there.
men of Benjamin were permitted to abduct
them for their wives (Judges 21:21).             Jumping to the last item on the list of the                   The list of biblical foods is far from
Hundreds of ancient grape presses have           Seven Species, many visitors are surprised                    exhausted; on your visit to Israel, you’ll
been discovered throughout Israel. One of        to discover that the honey mentioned in                       discover a host of fruits and vegetables
the best known is in Avdat in the Negev          the Bible was probably date honey. This                       grown both traditionally and using the latest
desert – of all places – where grapes were       product was made at special factories, one                    methods to conserve water and enrich the
apparently raised successfully two millennia     of which many scholars identify at Einot                      soil. The herbs mentioned in Luke 11:42
ago by conserving water.                         Tzukim on the Dead Sea near Qumran.                           still perfume the hillsides, and you’ll enjoy
                                                 Date honey, called silan, makes a wonderful                   more meat than our ancestors ever dreamed
And what of the tree that survived Noah’s        gift to take home. You’ll find it for sale in                 of tasting, the “fatted calf” (1 Sam. 28:24,
flood? Today we think of olives and olive        health food stores in Israel and at Yardenit,
oil mainly as food, but in Bible days the        the pilgrim’s baptismal site near the Sea                     Luke 15:23) notwithstanding.
olive tree also provided oil for light, for      of Galilee.
anointing kings and priests, and for                                                                           Information for this article is based on the book Food
medicinal purposes (Isa. 1:6, Mark 6:13,         The fronds from the date palms have great                     at the Time of the Bible, by Miriam Feinberg Vamosh,
Luke 10:34). No wonder that in Jotham’s          symbolism. If you are lucky enough to be                      published by Palphot.
Fable, it was the first tree to which the        in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, you will see
others turned to be their king (Judges 9:8).     pilgrims by the thousands descending the
The oil press after which the Garden of          Mount of Olives bearing these fronds
Gethsemane was named (coming from the            (John 12:13). On the Feast of
Aramaic, Gethsemane is Greek for oil press)      Tabernacles, they are one of the
is no longer to be seen, but you can see         “four species” used to celebrate
olive presses in many other locations – at       (Lev. 23:40). The famous words

                                                    Fragrant sage tea is an ancient remedy for stomach aches.
                                         Photo: Courtesy of Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve

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