Page 50 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 50
Old City was too small for the the 120th anniversary of the
newcomers and so they moved founding of the hotel. On hand
to a mansion outside the Old was the late Valentine Vester,
City walls that had been built in then 93 years old, the daughter-
the 1870s by the scion of a in-law of the Spaffords, with a
wealthy local family, Rabakh host of other dignitaries from
Effendi al-Husseini, first renting all walks of Jerusalem life.
and eventually buying the
premises. The Old City house The American Colony is appealing not only for The charm of the original old
eventually became the Spafford its beauty and meaningful history; it is walking stone house, which now serves
Children’s Center, starting out distance from the Old City and the Garden as the hotel lobby and public
in 1925 as a home for babies Tomb, and its tranquil courtyard restaurant rooms, has only increased over
abandoned during World War I. (above) is the perfect place for a break on a the decades. Like many homes
Today it provides a wide range busy day of sightseeing. of the period, it was built around
of medical, psychological and a courtyard, where the hotel’s
social services to children and “When peace like a river popular open-air restaurant is
their mothers. now located. The ceilings in
attendeth my way, some of the rooms are
What is the connection between extravagantly painted in a style
this moving story and an award- When sorrows like sea-billows roll, the experts call “Turkish
winning hotel on the prestigious Baroque,” combining East and
list of Leading Small Hotels of Whatever my lot, West, which was popular in 19th
the World? century Palestine among the
Thou has taught me to know; upper class. One fine example
The home of the Spaffords and is in the “Pasha’s Room,” where
their community became a hotel ‘It is well, it is well with my soul.’” bouquets of flowers are painted
somewhat by chance. In 1902, in the European style around a
Baron Ustinov (grandfather of recessed, star-studded midnight-blue octagon.
the actor Peter Ustinov), himself a hotelier in Three more of these beautiful ceilings can be
Jaffa, needed extra rooms to house his guests. found in top-floor rooms of the original building,
He turned to what had already become known preserving some of the last remaining examples
as “the American Colony” for help. They took of this nearly lost art form.
in his overflow and that is how the American
Colony Hotel was born. Baron Ustinov presented The American Colony Hotel is a place to see
Bertha Spafford and Frederick Vester with a a beautiful historic building preserved in all its
pair of palm trees on their wedding day in 1904, glory, but also to pay homage to some true
which were planted at the hotel. The flourishing American pioneers of faith. As Bertha Spafford
palm that now stands in the original courtyard Vester wrote of her father, his faith came through
was presented by Peter Ustinov in 1995 as a triumphant and strong. On the high seas, near
replacement for the originals. A few years ago, the place where his children perished, he wrote
Igor Ustinov, Peter’s son, raked Jerusalem earth the hymn that was to give comfort to so many.
over a 120-year-old olive tree in honor of