Page 49 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 49


The Extraordinary Story of the Jewish People

This is a story of a People that was scattered all over the world and yet remained one family

Beit Hatfutsot the Museum of the Jewish People is more        to Jewish values that continue to this day values we share
than a museum This unique global institution tells the        with the global community
ongoing and unique story of the Jewish people Beit
Hatfutsot connects Jewish people to their roots and           Our Mission is to present the  year old story of the
strengthens their personal and collective identity Beit
Hatfutsot conveys to the world the fascinating narrative      Jewish people – past present and future; to create a living
of the Jewish people and the transcending essence of the
Jewish culture faith purpose and deed while presenting        memory of the dispersion the Jewish nation and to
the contribution of world Jewry to humanity
                                                              strengthen the awareness of Israeli youth to their roots; to
Beit Hatfutsot is the product of the spirit and work of a
generation that witnessed the annihilation of a third of the  nurture a sense of belonging among Jewish visitors and
Jewish people during the dark years of WWII and the
Holocaust yet its theme is not destruction but a celebration  a sense of understanding among the non Jews; to foster
of Jewish life culture and achievements as well as a praise
                                                              understanding of the Jewish people and support for Israel

                                                              as the Jewish state among all visitors

                                                              Beit Hatfutsot, Tel Aviv University campus,
                                                              Klausner Street, Ramat Aviv.
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