Page 10 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 10
Boat Chapel - Duc In Altum
The Magic of Magdala
The Galilee’s latest site for personal reflection and spiritual connection
By Steve Carpenter According to these gospel accounts, we to follow Him, support Him and be with Him
know that Jesus cast out seven demons from at His most significant moments: His death,
It was on the blue shores of the Sea this woman. We know that she supported His burial and His resurrection.
of Galilee where Jesus met a woman His ministry with her own resources. We
named Mary. She was referred to as know that she was there when Jesus was Something extraordinary is happening
Mary Magdalene and quickly became crucified, and we know that she was the first again on the shores of the Sea of Galilee,
one of Jesus’ closest and most devoted one to speak to Him after His resurrection. In also known as the Kinneret, here in Israel.
followers. Perhaps she is known as Mary John’s Gospel, he writes, “then Jesus spoke It is the discovery of the first century village
Magdalene, because she was from the village to them again, saying, "I am the light of the of Magdala, and the development of this
of Magdala (Migdal), which means “tower” world. He who follows Me shall not walk in 20-acre property. This is the epic vision of
in Hebrew, or perhaps it was because she darkness, but have the light of life.” It was Father Juan Maria Solana, L.C., a Legionary
became a tower of strength and support for very likely her deliverance from darkness of Christ, who oversees the Pontifical
Jesus and His first-century followers. We that changed everything for Mary Magdalene Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center.
don’t really know for sure. What we do know and tethered her so deeply to Jesus. Her Father Solana initiated the Magdala Project
of Mary Magdalene is pieced together from personal encounter must have motivated her in 2005, desiring a location in the Galilee that
the few references found in the Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.