Page 12 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 12

Magdala: view from Mt. Arbel

could serve as place for personal reflection     is Latin for “launch into the deep,” a reference  spirituality inviting the diverse sounds of all
and spiritual connection. From its inception,    to the words of Jesus in Luke 5:4. “He said       seekers to come and join the song. All are
the idea for Magdala was to provide a place      to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let       welcome at Magdala, because Magdala is
for people to encounter the life and message     down your nets for a catch."                      for everyone.
of Jesus - all from the very region where a
majority of His remarkable ministry took place.  The stunning Duc In Altum facility houses the     Audrey Assad is an American singer-
                                                 Women’s Atrium, honoring the women who            songwriter and contemporary Christian
In a providential turn of events, the            followed Jesus, a beautifully designed Boat       music artist. She wrote a song called “Love
groundbreaking for the hospitality center        Chapel commemorating Jesus preaching              Is Moving” that captures what many have
at Magdala turned out to be the discovery        from the boat, four 50-seat Mosaic Chapels,       experienced when they come to Magdala.
of the most well-preserved first-century         each with an evocative mosaic revealing a         She writes, “The hem of His robe is where
synagogue in all of the Galilee. Additional      biblical event that transpired near the Sea       our healing lies, the wounds in His hands
archaeological discoveries at Magdala            of Galilee, and the Encounter Chapel on the       are where our life resides. Love is moving,
include the Magdala Stone (which is likely       lower level of Duc In Altum, which is modeled     moving among us. So we reach, we reach
the earliest known artistic depiction of the     after the first-century synagogue discovered      our hands to Him to touch, to touch the
Second Temple), multiple villas and mikvaot      on the property. Since its inauguration in        Healer's hand. We fall, we fall in worship.
(purification baths), fishermen’s houses, fish   May of 2014, Magdala has attracted well           Our God is with us.”
processing pools and an ancient harbor, all      over 100,000 visitors and volunteers to the
revealing the faith, commerce and prosperity     amazing site.                                     Well over half of the recorded miracles of
of this first-century community.                                                                   Jesus took place in the Galilee region. His
                                                 It is a sizable challenge to accurately           words and His touch transformed the lives of
These discoveries take on incredible             describe the ambience and essence of              all who came to Him. First-century multitudes
significance when we read in Matthew’s           Magdala, which just entered its second            witnessed the miraculous connection
gospel that, “Jesus went about all Galilee,      phase of development to include a 160-room        between human and divine, pure and impure,
teaching in their synagogues, preaching the      guesthouse, restaurant and visitors center.       and holy and unholy as Jesus preached the
gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds     It is so much more than an archeological          kingdom of God and manifested its power.
of sickness and all kinds of disease among       discovery or just another holy site in the holy   Today, Jews and Arabs, spiritual seekers,
the people.” At Magdala, people can walk         land. Magdala is both vision and reality. It is   and Christian believers of all denominations
where Jesus taught.                              both first century and twenty-first century.      and walks of life are coming to Magdala and
                                                 It is truly an operational and inspirational      discovering both a historical connection
In addition to the synagogue, the central        intersection of ancient and modern. Simply        and spiritual encounter at the crossroads of
structure at Magdala is Duc In Altum, which      stated, Magdala is arising as a symphony of       Jewish and Christian history.


                                                 Mikva (ritual bath)

Duc In Altum

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