Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 22

Dan’s lush nature reserve, situated                                       built in the 10th century BCE by
along a chilly snow-melt stream,                                          Jeroboam, together with a huge
which together with the Banias and                                        fortress. This fortified structure
the Senir Rivers do, indeed, unite to                                     indicates that the breakaway king
form the Jordan.                                                          probably wanted to make Dan not
                                                                          only a cultic center for the northern
Sitting under the old oak trees                                           tribes by setting up a golden calf,
overhanging a pool so beautiful that                                      but his administrative capital, as
the reserve’s rangers have dubbed                                         well. This gate, rebuilt in the mid-
it “the Garden of Eden,” you’ll learn                                     ninth century BCE, probably during
that you are near the ruins of the                                        Ahab’s time, was attached to a
Canaanite city Laish, which was                                           wall 16 feet thick. The area of the
conquered and renamed by the                                              outer gate includes a platform
tribe of Dan (Judges 18:7-29).                                            where the king probably sat, as
                                                                          the Bible describes David doing in
Along the path, you’ll come to                                            Jerusalem (2 Samuel 19:9). One of
one of the highlights of your visit,                                      the most memorable moments for
the high place. It shows signs of                                         Dan visitors is when they choose
destruction by a huge fire, possibly                                      their own “king” (or queen) to sit
during the attack on Dan by Ben-                                          in the gateway. There’s always a
Hadad of Assyria, mentioned in 1                                          lot laughing and teasing during
Kings 15:20. The high place was                                           the “coronation,” but it serves to
later rebuilt, probably by Ahab.                                          engrain the biblical stories told here
                                                                          firmly in people’s minds.
This is very likely the shrine that 1    The "Garden of Eden" at Tel Dan
Kings 12:29 tells us Jeroboam,                                            In a wall bordering an ancient plaza
son of Nebat, set up at Dan, the                                          east of this gate, beneath debris
northern extent of the kingdom he                                         from the Assyrian destruction of
had wrested from Rehoboam, son                                            the town, an inscribed basalt stone
of Solomon. (He set up a second                                           measuring about 12.6 inches by 8.6
golden calf at Bethel, north of                                           inches was discovered in 1993. (Two
Jerusalem.) Along the shrine’s                                            additional pieces of it were found in
northern wall you can still make                                          1994.) Once part of a monumental
out construction reminiscent of the                                       victory stele, it mentions the words
description of the wall of the “great                                     “house of David” for the first time
court yard” of Solomon’s Temple                                           outside of the Bible. Scholars
in Jerusalem in 1 Kings 7:11. The                                         think the unidentified writer of the
similarity shows that Jeroboam                                            inscription, who says he killed Joram
may have been peering over the                                            (2 Kings 8:25) and Ahaziah (2 Kings
shoulder of Solomon’s architects                                          8:28), might have been Hazael, king
during the time he served as one of                                       of Damascus (2 Kings 8:7-15).
the king’s officials.
                                                                          Another gateway at Dan leaves
Sitting on the steps of the shrine,      Abraham’s Gate                   people open-mouthed when they
you’ll see the foundation of a large                                      find out it goes all the way back to the
altar that was discovered. It once                                        time of Abraham. It contains one of
had the raised corners that gave                                          the earliest arches ever found in the
this type of sacrificial structure the                                    world, formed of mud-brick, which
name “horned altar.” A statuette of                                       rarely survives the ravages of time.
the goddess Ashtoreth was found in                                        Here we let our imaginations take
this area, which continued to serve                                       over, remembering that Genesis
as a ritual site down through the                                         14:14 tells us Abraham pursued
time of the Greeks, who conquered                                         the captors of Lot “as far as Dan,”
the land in the early fourth century                                      to picture Abraham standing at this
BCE. Here, among many other                                               very gateway.
finds, Professor Biran unearthed
proof of the identification of the site                                   After a visit to Dan, the names of
– an inscription in Greek that reads,                                     the biblical leaders and their stories
“to the god that is at Dan.”                                              will seem to jump off the pages of
                                                                          your Bible, and you will possess, as
Next, you’ll pick your way along         The high place                   Edward Robinson put it, “the exact
the ancient paving stones to the                                          sense of scriptural record.”
elaborate Israelite-era gateway,
which you’ll hear was probably

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