Page 25 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 25

Living the Bible

by Visiting its Homeland

A Christian and Jew create a program for young Christians to become
immersed in their faith and connected to modern Israel

                                                                                                Student participant overlooking the
                                                                                                Old City from the Mount of Olives.
                                                                                                Photos: Jeremy Rivers

This will be achieved by visits to traditional   their country and stand on the frontlines of   Christian students have visited the land of
biblical and historical sites that build on the  the battle against terrorism.                  their spiritual birth.
participants’ faith and provide them with the
tools they need to greater appreciate the        Upon their return, participants will be fully  It is said in Israel that one doesn’t need a
Bible and Christian teachings.                   informed and fact oriented, able to make the   guidebook when traveling the Holy Land –
                                                 case for a strong and safe Israel based on     the Bible itself is the guide. And the Bible is
Additionally, unlike many Christian tourists,    firsthand knowledge. The trip will strengthen  not just the physical guidebook; it is also the
participants will discover the vibrant meaning   US-Israel relations, giving participants a     spiritual compass by which participants find
of modern Israel from a political, academic,     better understanding of the roots of their     their place as Christian leaders and stand
scientific and business perspective that will    religion and emboldening deeper faith among    shoulder-to-shoulder with our Jewish friends
enable them to contextualize Israel’s role not   the next generation of Christian leaders.      atop our common moral foundation.
just as a lodestar ofbiblical teachings, but
also as an island of Judeo-Christian values      This project is already strengthening the      Only by understanding the past, present and
in a sea of radicalism.                          bond between Christians and the Jewish         future of the Land of Israel – by touching,
                                                 People – a bond that is especially important   walking and experiencing it with our Bibles
Participants will benefit from a wide variety    given the current tumult in the Middle East.   in hand – can we truly comprehend the full
of opportunities that other tours do not         The fact remains that only Israel provides     meaning of God’s plan for history. For this
offer. They will meet and hear from Israeli      Christians safety and freedom under the        reason, the new Museum of the Bible/Philos
leaders in government, the academy and           umbrella of democracy.                         Project student leadership program is a true
economics. They will spend time with a                                                          watershed that stands to impact Christianity
Holocaust survivor. They will visit a military   This program has already seen incredible       for generations to come.
base and meet young Israelis who serve           success in its first year, as nearly 300

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