Page 24 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 24
Jewish reality. Most of them were Jews, and Creator, Merciful and Provident, if we cannot Magdala stone
some were probably Romans and Greeks. get along ourselves! What attractive witness
Just recall certain Gospel episodes and do we give to God? How can all of us who The 1st century synagogue and Magdala Stone are
the fact that this is Galilee of the Gentiles, believe in transcendent reality and practice provoking deep reflection
benefitting from the trade routes of the Via religion encounter those who do not and
Maris and ancient intermingling of cultures engage in dialogue with the whole secular aspiration to be a catalyst of reconciliation
as nearby places such as Megiddo and world! Magdala does not pretend to achieve worldwide is step-by-step moving closer
Cesarea Maritima testify. The stones of all of this, but with the simple fact that it to reality. You are invited! Come, let us live
the Magdala synagogue cry out: hey you bridges Christians among ourselves and closer together and work better together. Let
Christians all, you belong here, not just one Christians with Jews, we are off to a good us dig up our family treasure. This is the time
of your groups! You all belong here! And start. ‘Duc in Altum’ incorporates this first for all the family members to gather again!
you belong here among the Jewish people! century archeology of commonality into a
Here you were together! Come home! Come 21st century architecture of communion: To learn more about Magdala and receive your gift
back together! Come back closer together, the replicated synagogue mosaic unites the please go to
focus on what you share! Recognize your columns of the Women’s Atrium, while our
commonality! We are siblings! We have had first century synagogue design and decor of
our fill of division and alienation! Revisit your the Encounter Chapel point to the one origin
origins! Research your spiritual DNA! Realize of the entire Christian community. Magdala
you are family! helps reduce “the inflammation of the joints”
between the Christian and Jewish worlds.
Magdala, Crossroads of Jewish This gift from our past is building our future -
and Christian History rekindling the family fire.
Building and rebuilding the family is a big One symbolic day will be March 5, 2017:
task everywhere today. Not just the natural the Magdalena Institute is hosting the 3rd
family unit of spouses, parents, siblings, Annual Women’s Symposium, “Women of
grandparents and in-laws, but also the family Influence.” The main conference is Queen
of nations, the family of humankind! The term Esther and the Feminine Genius. These are
‘dysfunctional family’ is sadly understood by first baby steps to address topics related to
almost everyone nowadays without much the fact that Magdala’s best-known citizen
need for explanation. So all hands on deck to was Mary Magdalene. So far, Christian,
help mend the torn fabric of the human family. Muslim and Jewish women have developed
How can we Christians bond well with the these days together with great satisfaction.
Jewish people if we do not bond well among
ourselves! How can we Christians and Jews Magdala’s ruins invite and engage us. We
bond well with other monotheists, if we do come together from diverse backgrounds
not get along well! How can we monotheists and meet each other. We come back
enter dialogue with world religions that home and grow closer together. Magdala’s
do not know the one true God, Almighty,
Encounter Chapel