Page 28 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 28

The glory of Jerusalem basking
                                                                                                   under the light of the sun.
                                                                                                   Photo: iStock photo

In his Olivet Discourse, Jesus had prophesied   reunited city under Jewish rule – as well as       Consider this your special invitation to come
over the fate of his people and the city of     the Jubilee of a new era in relations between      to the Feast of Tabernacles 2017, which
Jerusalem: “And they will fall by the edge of   Israel and the Church.                             takes place this year from October 6 to 11.
the sword, and be led away captive into all                                                        You do not want to miss this once-in-a-
nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by      It is like a shofar blast calling on Christians    lifetime experience to celebrate this Jubilee
Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are    to realize that time is short for reaching the     feast in the City of God and to experience
fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).                        rest of the world with the Gospel, and at the      God speaking to His people in a unique way.
                                                same time to affirm that we must stand in          For more information, visit
Jerusalem indeed was trampled down by the       friendship and solidarity with Israel as never
Gentile nations for nearly 2,000 years. The     before. Thus, the Feast of Tabernacles 2017        We look forward to welcoming you this year
Romans captured the city in 70 AD, and it       will be a declaration to Israel that, unlike past  in Jerusalem – the City of God!
was subsequently conquered and controlled       generations of Christians, today there is a
by the Byzantines, Arabs, Crusaders,            growing movement of Christians worldwide             The Feast of Tabernacles in 2016
Mamelukes, Ottomans and finally the British.    who recognize the calling of God upon Israel
During this same time span, the Gospel of       and the city of Jerusalem. We are moving
Jesus Christ was spread to the four corners     ever closer to that time when Jerusalem
of the earth. Indeed, it was and still remains  will truly become that “house of prayer for
the times of the Gentiles.                      all peoples” which God has always intended
                                                (Isaiah 56:7); and when the Messiah will sit
But June 1967 was the harbinger of a            upon the throne of David in this city ruling
new era. For the first time in 2,000 years,     over the nations in righteousness and peace
Jerusalem was no longer ruled by the            (Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 62:1; Zechariah 9:9-10;
Gentiles, but by its ancient inhabitants,       Luke 1:32).
the Jews. So 2017 will mark 50 years of a

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