Page 20 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 20
The synagogue in Korazim.
Photo: Reuven Riban
Good to know!
A serendipitous discovery at Kursi Korazim National Park is home the side one. During prayer, the three main
National Park uncovered one of the portals were closed and only one small
greatest Byzantine monasteries in the remnants of another Jewish town from door on the western side admitted late-
Holy Land, where according to the the Second Temple period, well into the comers. The houses were built of black
New Testament, the Miracle of the Mishnah and the Talmud periods. This place basalt abundantly found in the area. The
Swine took place. “Then they sailed is mentioned in the New Testament, along town houses and commoners’ houses were
to the country of the Gadarenes, with Bethsaida and Capernaum - which built of roughly finished stones, while the
which is opposite Galilee. And when Jesus cursed because they did not heed his synagogue stones were meticulously hewn
He stepped out on the land, there teachings. “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to by master stonemasons. The stones of the
met Him a certain man from the city you, Bethsaida!” (Matthew 11:21). Large- synagogue were covered with many reliefs,
who had demons for a long time... scale archeological digs have uncovered the including lions, vultures and people pressing
Then the demons went out of the center of town, complete with town houses grapes, Medusa’s head, acanthus leaves,
man and entered the swine, and the and a splendid synagogue from the Talmudic flowers, conch shells, garlands and more.
herd ran violently down the steep and Mishnaic periods. A unique architectural
place into the lake...” (Luke 8:26- feature is called the Korazim Windows, with Also found on the premises was a basalt
33). Inside the monastery complex is inner walls cut into built-in closets that open chair inscribed in Aramaic. This is called the
a big church with beautiful mosaic from both sides of the wall. Seat of Moses, and according to the New
floors, and above it, the steep slope Testament and Talmud, this is where the
described as the place of the miracle. The exterior of the beautiful synagogue reader of the Torah sat. The Israel Nature
The site, on the eastern coast of faces Jerusalem, with worshippers entering and Parks Authority recently set up a special
the Sea of Galilee, is managed and through three impressive portals, then accessible path for people with disabilities.
meticulously maintained by the turning around inside to pray facing the
Israel Nature and Parks Authority. Holy City. The Holy Ark was up against the Dr. Tsvika Tsuk is the chief archaeologist of the Israel
southern wall, between the main portal and Nature and Parks Authority
View of the church at
Kursi. Photo: Tsvika Tsuk
was built here in Crusader times, with
daffodil beds planted in the shape of Latin
words: “Hail St. Anne & St. Joachim.” The
church stands near a separate entrance, on
the western side of the Zippori National Park.