Page 30 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 30

The same allure is true of the Bible, the book  narrative and impact of the Bible, but will be   the modern world with both cutting edge
that Israel gave to the world. No book is as    among the most technologically advanced          technology and scholarship. The 430,000
ancient and as modern as the Bible. This        and academically rigorous museums in the         square foot museum will be located just a
3,000-year-old book continues to outsell the    world. There’s a reason CNN has said that        few blocks from the U.S. Capitol and will
latest and most popular bestsellers, and it is  the Museum of the Bible is one of “the most      feature three main floors that will focus on
increasingly being brought into the world of    anticipated” museums of 2017, and the            the history, narratives and impact of the
software, apps and smartphones, in written,     Washington Post put it on their “in” list for    Bible, tracing all three throughout the Bible’s
audio and visual formats. The Bible itself has  2017.                                            multi-millennial history.
been at the center of huge advances in both
technology and scholarship, being the first     The goal of the Museum of the Bible is to        On the scholarly front, the Museum of the
book printed by the revolutionary invention     invite all people to engage with the Bible. Its  Bible sponsors what it calls its Scholars
of the Gutenberg printing press in the 15th     focus is on the Bible as a book of narratives    Initiative, the research arm of the museum
century, inspiring the first major rise in the  that have impacted the world, not any            that facilitates a global network of scholars
literacy and education of common people         particular religion or theology. It is advised   to pursue research and provide students
who, for the first time, were able to read the  by scholars and representatives from all         with an opportunity to develop as scholars
Bible in their own language.                    the major biblical religious traditions, both    under the guidance of scholar-mentors. Both
                                                Jewish and Christian, and its experts are        scholars and students conduct research on
And now, this ancient Book of Books will        the best of the best, regardless of whether      the various artifacts and documents in the
take yet another leap into the modern           they are personally religious or not. This has   museum’s collection and have pioneered a
world with the help of the new Museum of        made its exhibits and scholarly programs all     host of new biblical discoveries. The Scholars
the Bible, opening in November 2017 in          the more rigorous and exciting.                  Initiative is currently engaged in approximately
Washington, D.C., with a mission to invite                                                       90 research projects conducted by scholars
all people to engage with the Bible. Not        In the same way Israel has brought an ancient    from 60 colleges.
only will this be the first museum in the       people into the modern world, the Museum
world to focus exclusively on the history,      of the Bible will bring this ancient book into   One of these projects recently culminated
                                                                                                 in the publication of newly discovered Dead

                                                                                                 The World Stage Theater at
                                                                                                 Museum of the Bible includes
                                                                                                 a special 3D projection
                                                                                                 technology that changes the
                                                                                                 entire theater with the push of
                                                                                                 a button.

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