Page 42 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 42
The Jewish Quarter
of the Old City of Jerusalem
Discovering the real history behind the archaeology
Archaeological Park - Davidson
Center. Photo: Company for the
Reconstruction and Development
of the Jewish Quarter
Dr. Eyal Meiron
Fifty years of reconstruction in Development of the Jewish Quarter has where safety regulations permit it, the sites
the Jewish Quarter undertaken its rehabilitation. The excavations have been opened to the general public.
accompanying the revival of the Jewish
This year, 2017, is an exciting milestone in Quarter, all meticulously documented, have Exploration of the Jewish Quarter did not
the history of the Jewish Quarter, marking revealed archaeological gems, including the end with the archaeology and ensuring
fifty fifty years of reconstruction since the Broad Wall dating back to the First Temple accessibility. Even today, vibrant and
commencement of reconstruction following Period; a residential quarter inhabited by the teeming with visitors, the Jewish Quarter
the Six-Day War in 1967. The Jewish Quarter city’s wealthy elite (probably kohanim – priests) offers surprising discoveries and new tourist
suffered heavy damage during the War of from the late Second Temple Period; the Burnt projects. Here we will focus on just three: the
Independence (1948) and neglect during House (see below); the Byzantine Cardo and first sheds new and unexpected light on old
the subsequent 19 years of Jordanian rule Nea Church, and more. All these features have archaeological relics; the second is a new
(1948-1967). Over the past five decades, been preserved for future generations, and, and exciting archaeological discovery that
the Company for the Reconstruction and